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Das Boot


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yea, it does take alot of getting used to. i shattered my ankle a few years ago. toes pointing backwards. lots of hardware to put it back together. good stuff.


Ouch i feel for you, about 6 years ago a shattered mine, 16 separate breaks, I was in a cast for 6 weeks and in the boot for 5 more lots of hardware and it never quite healed. Oh yeah and it was the same ankle that i fractured a few months before (damn high School Football)

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That sucks. I broke a big toe once and it hurt like hell. They wanted to pin it, but I opted for the boot which I promptly took off in about 2 days. Took for ever to heal. It still hurts to this day if I bang it on stuff and this happened a few years ago. Keep the boot on as long as you need to. I am a size 13 also so the boot was just a pain to keep. Good luck man!

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I know how you feel my first real job out of college I got my foot run over by a fully loaded concrete truck on concrete, was in a cast for 5 months then a boot of 3 months. And could not work for those 8 months.

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Thanks again guys!



as for needing a boot for just one toe, it's to immobilize the foot. the feet take so much pressure that you need to take all of it off so it can heal. a toe isn't like a finger where you can splint it and not use it. technically, I'm not supposed to put any weight on it at all for a week and then gradually put some on. my apartment is so small though, that I can't get myself to use crutches in here and kind of hobble around. my girlfriend yells at me non-stop for that.

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