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Canoe Trip

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Zippy mentioned going canoeing and to Craigs Cruisers on Saturday and put me in charge of planning it so if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them! Since there will be no car show this year this will be a replacement.


We're also having a party at our house on Saturday night just like last year, if anyone wants us to cook out on the grill let me know-maybe I can get Zippy to break the bank and buy one :jester:

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.....maybe I can get Zippy to break the bank and buy one :jester:


Maybe we can take up a collection!


It might be just me but I like driving somewhere with a bunch of trucks in a caravan.

I imagine we'll be doing that Friday night to and from the track but I was thinking it would

be nice to drive north along the coast and maybe have a picnic at a park or something.

I'm sure there would be someplace along the way for a couple of photo ops.


That's my $.02!

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Zippy thinks thats a great idea. A good hour or 2 drive would be nice. Theres plenty of areas around here that would work for photo ops with lots of scenery and many good places to stop and eat. What does everyone think; any other ideas??

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Maybe cruise up the shoreline to a canoe rental place. Canoe back to our trucks find a spot for some photos and lunch then head to Craigs Cruisers, then Zippys for a bar-b-que. Have everyone bring their own food to eat and drinks in coolers.

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they dont make SS canoes.


I have a wedding sat night so I will be limited to what I do but I like the idea of hanging out. I want to get Ray to help me strighten out my front bumper...W/o the show we need to just bs and bench race.


I like the idea of a picknic were we can park the trucks and hang and make people point at all the SSS's :) I will try to see how many rest areas/secnic look outs there are going up the coast.


There seems to be a growing interest in this event b/c of all the guys zippy has helped here in MI so I think this year might be a big one.


I wont do much this summer but I am going to this!


thanks for taking charge of this Lindsey

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