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The Supreme Court Has Been Busy!


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ahh you beat me to it... this is a huge win for the NRA... even the white house backed this decision...



There have been countless studies that show a decrease in crime in states that have shall issue CCW permits...



doesnt matter how strict you make gun laws... criminals will always have access to them... period. When you take away guns, you take them away from good people...


:withstupid: couldnt have said it better myself

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This is great news for the citizens of DC. It's been too long now that the "gunless" utopia of DC has withheld firearms to law abiding citizens while the thousands of thugs commit crimes on an hourly basis. Too bad the "general" population within the district doesn't see this as a good thing. The average citizen there thinks this will increase crime. :uhoh: Saw a lady interviewed on the news last night whose son and nephew were both shot and killed within the district and yet she thinks legalizing them will lead to a problem... I suppose that the guns used to kill her family members were fired from Maryland. :rolleyes:


I worked in one of the rougher neighborhoods for just over a year. Police came to the office just after we opened it, warning everybody not to stay at work after dark and to avoid eye contact or stopping near loitering "groups" on the side of the street.

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