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Hey guys!! I just wanna give a big THANKS to all of you in my ss family. All the word of encouragement and and replying to my last new post. It meens alot to me to here all of you say thanks. Im not the only one in the military by a long shot. So to the rest of every one in the Armed Forces. I would like to say thanks for doing there part in this fight. Again thank you all so much..


SSG Justin McMahan

U.S. Army

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you and all our troops stay safe. my brothers best freaind just got recalled today. he is heading back to Iraq. Lets all pray that they all come back home safely.



a big good luck and thanks to him! as well as everyone on here who is military and/or knows or is related to someone who is military both home and abroad and especially in some hot zones. you guys are doing a job that most could not fathom doing.



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God bless you and all our brothers and sisters in the military you folks never get your proper thanks for laying your lives on the line,just lnow theres alot of people on this site who thank you all for your sevice to this country stay safe and look us up when you get back. :cheers::flag:

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