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Thinking About Contacts


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I'm looking into getting contacts since I'm coming around my 2 year mark and need to get new glasses I wanna try contacts and I'm wanting to know if anyone here has contacts and which ones you guys like and maybe advise and how much I'm looking at spending. This will be my first time ever wearing contacts and I wanna try to because glasses are such as pain getting bent, leaving them on accidentaly when going to bed, sliding down my nose etc. looking for help.

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i have a bad sigmatizm with my eyes so i have to wear toric lens by bausch&lomb and all that means is that they have weights on the bottom to help keep them from rollin around on ur eyes. last time i bought contacts i got what they call two 6 packs meanin a 6 month supply of contacts for both eyes and i paid roughly 90 for them and you can wear them longer then they reconmend cause right now the pair i have had for over 5 months now with no problems i just change them out when my vision get hazy or when white specs build up on the lens due to protein build up i do recommend that you keep ur glasses though due to the fact of incase you run out or get a eye infection or have other problems at least you can still see i had to find out the hard way but you can wear them overnite just dont do long extended overnight wears though cuz that is hard on ur eyes cuz they need to breath and rest one but anywho hope this helps out a lil

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I had VERY poor vision, and I wore contacts for years. I since have had lasic vision correction (which is a miracle, if you ask me!). I originally had extended wear soft lenses, but they recommended removing them at a minimum of weekly for cleaning. At one point I got an infection, because I didn't listen. :nonod: Eventually, I started wearing AccuVue lenses, and removed them for cleaning every night. They worked very well for me. It's been several years since I bought them, so I'm not sure of price. You can get the prescription from your eye doctor and buy them on-line. That might save a bit of money. Good luck!

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When I first read your topic headline I thought something completely different. I thought you were looking for numbers of people to talk to. Man was I WAAAAY off!! :rolleyes:


Good luck with the contacts man. I'm sure it can be alittle unnerving thinking about intentionally putting something in your eyes and taking it out later.

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I had VERY poor vision, and I wore contacts for years. I since have had lasic vision correction (which is a miracle, if you ask me!). I originally had extended wear soft lenses, but they recommended removing them at a minimum of weekly for cleaning. At one point I got an infection, because I didn't listen. :nonod: Eventually, I started wearing AccuVue lenses, and removed them for cleaning every night. They worked very well for me. It's been several years since I bought them, so I'm not sure of price. You can get the prescription from your eye doctor and buy them on-line. That might save a bit of money. Good luck!


How much was your lasic vision correction? That was also one of my options.

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How much was your lasic vision correction? That was also one of my options.

$1700.00 per eye. When I had it done (2003), the cost for me was higher than the "base rate" because my vision was so bad. I did NOT go to a discount type place. I went to a reputable Opthamologist who performs the procedure, and had done thousands of them. If you think you might do this, do research. Find a good doctor. Don't base the decision solely on cost. Not everyone is a candidate for the procedure either. A good doctor will check you out, and make recommendations. As bad as my vision was, to this day I'm still better than 20/20. It's amazing.

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I know that you asked about contacts but I second the corrective surgery. I wore contacts from the age of 12 till I had the surgery at the age of 19. I am now 34 with no problems and still have 20/20. It is well worth the money and would do it again even if the cost was double.

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I wore contacts for years too. I started off witht he ones you just keep in & they ended up scarring my corneas. So I wouldn't recommend them. I then switched to the new accuvue lenses & they are nice and are on like $20 a box. I'm the same in both eyes so I only need one box & they last much longer than the 2 weeks they say to wear them.


By what I've been told, if you can afford the lazer surgery do it! If I could quit spending money on my truck I could afford to do this too!!!

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I originally tried contacts(many brands), but my eyes would reject them. If you can afford it, Lasik surgery is the way to go. I had it 4 years ago now, and it was probably one of the best choices I have ever made. Before the surgery I was 20/300 in each eye, after the surgery I was 20/20. The cost of mine was about the same as Hank's, around $3300 total. :cool:

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I have tried contacts but my eyes had some bad allergic reaction. It hurt, burned, and itched. I couldn't stop pouring drops in my eyes all day! And my work was a bitch, I work in a hot humid tire shop so with contacts that sucks. But if I had the money I would definately go for it! Besides I like wearing glasses, the ladies like em'.. Lol..

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I use acuvue advanced with hydraclear. My vision isn't real bad so I use to wear glasses when driving because I hated contacts. I could always feel them so I would blink and they would dry out but the new contacts have been great. :cheers:

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Glasses since I was 9 years old, went to contacts, hard, soft, every kind. had lasik in 2000, best move ever, still 20/20.......Spend the money now, no more buying contacts and cleaning supplies, cases, looking for them etc... oh, and you can see first thing in the morning, no finding glasses/contacts....

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