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Resetting the PCM


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I remember reading here awhile back that therer was a sequence of control operations in the cab which would reset the trucks PCM without having to disconnect the battery for 20 minutes. I seem to recall that this info came from someones set of GM manuals on CD's that they obtained. I've searched the forums and cannot find this info again. Can one of you guys please tell me the alternate method?



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If you want to clear security system codes, you have to disconnect the battery. I was told for an hour, but 30 minutes seems to be sufficient.

I recall the post you're talking about, do a search on resetting codes.


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Thanks guys, for pointing me to the thread. I swear I thought I searched on every different combination of "pcm", "computer","reset", etc. and couldn't find it. Guess theres no substitute for experience, eh Ben?!! :cheers:

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