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Thought I Was Going To Jail


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So I went to Krogers last night to pick up a few things. Parked well away from everyone as usual. When I came out I noticed a car parked on the far side of my truck. Very close to it. I can see through the tinted windows that there is someone standing by the drivers door. :wtf: Figured it was someone checking it out or trying to steal it. So I set off the alarm and this kid (about 20-25) jumps about 3 feet in the air. :jester: As I come around the back of the truck, I see this kid has been pissing on the side of my truck :wtf::fume: He's got both side doors of his car open and he's standing between them pissing. I asked him just WTF he thought he was doing and he replied that he couldn't hold it. I pointed out that the store has bathroom right inside the door.


Anyway after 3-4 minutes of a heated exchange I told him that I should beat his ass. He said he didn't think I could. Now I'm not a violent person at all. I haven't been in a fight in well over 30 years and have no urge to start now but at that point I blew a gasket. Without really realizing what I was doing I reached over and got him by the back of the head and sorta dented the roof of his car with his face. :oops: He immediately started to cry and wanted to know why I did that. :rolleyes:


About this time the cops rolled up and asked what was going on. This kids girlfriend starts screaming that I tried to kill the kid. I calmly showed the cop the puddle and explianed what happened (except for the part about denting his car with his face :D ) Cop asked me how his face got bloody and I replied that I had absolutely no idea. Maybe he tripped. :D


Bottom line---cops arrested the kid for indecent exposure and never even asked me for ID. :confused: The cop must have seen exactly what happened given the fact that he was there mere seconds after the kid "tripped". Thank God for cool cops. :cheers:


Sorry for the long post. Just thought I'd share.

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Wow Bob, I would probably have done the same thing...only his head may have accidently got caught in the car door. :smash: You are lucky the cops didn't take you for assault. I hope you washed the truck right away.

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Jeez, Bob. Crazy story. Did the kid get any ID from you? I would hope he wouldn't try to sue you later on for injuries or anything.


No kid was in the cop car when I left. Cop was in front of my truck so I backed out so that they couldn't get my plate #. At that point I just wanted to get out of there before the cop changed his mind. Weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. :confused:

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Wow Bob! looks like you just got your one "get out of jail free card". I can't imagine getting away with that one. kinda funny how it just takes one thing to make someone snap huh? madashell.gif

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I'll bet that kid will think twice about disrespecting someones nice ride. The kid deserved everything that he got (should have been more). Glad you didnt get caught up in that BS. A few times I have seen idiots doing stupid crap to others vehicles...I always stop and ask WTF are they doing. We spend too much time, money, and effort to have some idiot try and ruin what we put our pride in. :cheers:

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