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Thought I Was Going To Jail


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i would have kicked him in the nuts as hard as i could, knocked his ass out then pissed on his face. one time this dude spit on my old bronco, so i followed him home and made him wash my truck.

Edited by WODY (see edit history)
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Clearly the dude was like 'Man I have to piss, bet I'll piss on this nice truck blah blah' and his girlfriend was like teehee no you won't.. and he did. Therefore got his face smashed. I would have immediately beat his ass and told the police that I did that. I'd explain I saw his 'dong' and him pissing on my truck and therefore have every right to beat his ass. Sexual harassment, works for everything now a days....

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Holly crap is that funny. I'm not sure what I would of done if that had happened to me. I'm a real quiet type of person who never wants to start something, but there are times my anger gets the best of me.


Maybe I shouldn't tell this but one day I was in a shopping mall parking lot in my dads old car and some fat lady parked next to me and put her drivers door right into the side of my dads car. I had all the windows down in the car and tried getting her attention and she just gave me a dirty look, so I jumped out of the car and started yelling at her and her fat ugly friend and they just kept walking away and just laughed at me all while others had seen what happened. Well my anger level was a foot over my head and I walked over and kicked the shit out of her drivers door and then left. And yes, I left a nice size dent that could not of been missed.


It felt so good doing that, but at the same time I felt guilty for touching someone else's car, plus I was scared someone wrote down my plate and called the cops. On the other hand, I think the people who were around thought "good for you". :D

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Damn Bob, :omg:

Good job and great story with a happy ending. :idiot:

I have to admit of all the members on here I never would have expected your reaction and since you did help the kid back up when he tripped,it's all good. :jester:


I promise I won't piss around your truck at Zippy's :angel:

I already trip and fall down enough already :D:cheers:

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Good story Bob ... But when I read the title to the thread, I figured you finally smapped on that guy that married into your family ... :crackup::crackup:


Bob's night in smileys...


kid: piss.gif


Bob: icon_wtf.gif OH hellno.gif


kid: blah.gif


Bob: mad2.gifbox.gifbitchslap.gif


Kid: :(


uhh ohh it's the popo.gif


Bob: :uhoh:evilidea.gif just a little liar.gif


Kid: in cuffs and owned-1.giftissue2.gif


SSS.com: Woo_Hoo.gifway2go.gifWoo_Hoo.gif


Looks like someone has some extra time on his hands ... LOL ... That broken foot is killing you ... lol ...

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Damn Bob, :omg:

Good job and great story with a happy ending. :idiot:

I have to admit of all the members on here I never would have expected your reaction and since you did help the kid back up when he tripped,it's all good. :jester:


I promise I won't piss around your truck at Zippy's :angel:

I already trip and fall down enough already :D:cheers:




I'll help you back up if you fall down at Zippys, Brian. Really I will. Wellllll, maybe. :jester:


Haven't lost it like that in many years. It was more of a reaction to the situation than a concious thought. Actually felt pretty good at the time but now I feel a little sorry for the kid. Really didn't mean to go crazy. :dunno:


Got a visit from the cop this evening. In plain clothes. Guess he did get my plate #. Turns out the kid is related to him and has some "issues" so he wasn't arrested, just taken home. Guess he was pretty high and doesn't remember much. Cop said it was about time someone handed him his ass. Guess he has a history of doing stuff like this. :wtf: No official report was made and they offered to have my truck detailed for me. I said no thanks since his face needs a lot more work than my truck. Kid ended up with a couple loose teeth and they think his nose is broken, not to mention the dent in the roof of his car :D The cop called the kid on his cell phone and he apoligized and said he's going to get some help with his "issues". Hopefully he will or someone bigger and meaner than me is really going to hurt him. :nonod: So they are not going to persue the matter and neither will I.

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Got a visit from the cop this evening. In plain clothes. Guess he did get my plate #. Turns out the kid is related to him and has some "issues" so he wasn't arrested, just taken home. Guess he was pretty high and doesn't remember much. Cop said it was about time someone handed him his ass. Guess he has a history of doing stuff like this. :wtf: No official report was made and they offered to have my truck detailed for me. I said no thanks since his face needs a lot more work than my truck. Kid ended up with a couple loose teeth and they think his nose is broken, not to mention the dent in the roof of his car :D The cop called the kid on his cell phone and he apoligized and said he's going to get some help with his "issues". Hopefully he will or someone bigger and meaner than me is really going to hurt him. :nonod: So they are not going to persue the matter and neither will I.


Well thats great news right there. :wink2:

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Got a visit from the cop this evening. In plain clothes. Guess he did get my plate #. Turns out the kid is related to him and has some "issues" so he wasn't arrested, just taken home. Guess he was pretty high and doesn't remember much. Cop said it was about time someone handed him his ass. Guess he has a history of doing stuff like this. :wtf: No official report was made and they offered to have my truck detailed for me. I said no thanks since his face needs a lot more work than my truck. Kid ended up with a couple loose teeth and they think his nose is broken, not to mention the dent in the roof of his car :D The cop called the kid on his cell phone and he apoligized and said he's going to get some help with his "issues". Hopefully he will or someone bigger and meaner than me is really going to hurt him. :nonod: So they are not going to persue the matter and neither will I.



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Got a visit from the cop this evening. In plain clothes. Guess he did get my plate #. Turns out the kid is related to him and has some "issues" so he wasn't arrested, just taken home. Guess he was pretty high and doesn't remember much. Cop said it was about time someone handed him his ass. Guess he has a history of doing stuff like this. :wtf: No official report was made and they offered to have my truck detailed for me. I said no thanks since his face needs a lot more work than my truck. Kid ended up with a couple loose teeth and they think his nose is broken, not to mention the dent in the roof of his car :D The cop called the kid on his cell phone and he apoligized and said he's going to get some help with his "issues". Hopefully he will or someone bigger and meaner than me is really going to hurt him. :nonod: So they are not going to persue the matter and neither will I.


that's good news Bob!

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