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Usmc Sgt Imprisoned For War Crimes In Iraq

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I was browsing through military.com in their videos section and came across this. I try and stay in the loop as much as possible to see whats next with our boys serving the country and usually read/see everything concerning the military on any site or news channel. However, this one slipped by without me being able to see it. Not sure how far this goes back but I'm currently trying to research it and get some more info on it. Anyways, this is the link, like I said, I dont know the whole story, I'm just going off what I'm seeing on this video. Anyone know anything about this?



Edited by SSSmoke Eater (see edit history)
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yea its bullshit :bs:. im army and they pulled the same shit on us. but the thing is all those damn contractors dont get arrested or punishment for any actions that they do. (blackwater) (C.A.C.I). i think its dumb.

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That is BS if that is what is really going on but I really find it hard to believe they would just railroad soldiers like that for no reason...BUT who knows I wasnt in the military nor any of my immediate family so i dunno how they actually treat the soldiers....but if what is stated is true then it truly is a misjustice going on...

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WAIT WAIT WAIT !!! I REMEMBER WHERE I HAVE SEEN THIS BEFORE !!!!!! It was on 60mins about 2 years ago that I watched with my family one sunday. When I watched this story, it almost broke my heart to hear this happened. It was 7 Marines and 1 Corpsman on 60mins being interviewed. I cant believe I didnt remember this HOLY SHIT!!! I watched those 8 men on TV and thought how these men served their country, put their lives on the line every day, every minute and now this SGT is in solitary confinement awating trial. This makes me sick to believe that the hadjis making the statement are "Flip Flopping" and not accurate on their stories, also will never be in the court marshall or any other court for that matter which could eventually lead to death of the SGT Hutchins according to http://euphoricreality.com/series/pendleton-8/.

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