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Been Lookin' For One Of These...


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On the way home from work yesterday a Dodge came flyin' up behind me at the red light and was a little to close for my liking. I could tell he was younger guy and he was in a hurry. There was a Cobalt next to me leaving the light and at just about 30 MPH I had passed him enough for the Goat to get over. He had an exhaust so when I heard him mash on it so did I. He got about even with my rear door when my truck decided to down shift. (At 30 MPH the NBS FLIES.) I ran it up to about 80 MPH in a 50 MPH zone when I let off. I had him by atleast 2 trucks. After a couple of rights and a left with him behind me I figued he'd want redemption at the stop sign. I waited for him to get next to me and stop where he nodded and punched it simultaneously. I thought this race might have been closer since my truck is a TURD off the line... I was WRONG! Sitting there sleeping I realized what had happened and punched it myself. He spun the tires, I didn't, he jumped me a half of a truck from my drousiness but I quickly reeled him in at the top end of first. He quickly appeared in my rearview at the 1-2 shift and procedded to get smaller and smaller until 85 when I let off. Sorry for the long post but I've waited a long time to have a Dodge try me. :chevy: POWER FTW!!!

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On the way home from work yesterday a Dodge came flyin' up behind me at the red light and was a little to close for my liking. I could tell he was younger guy and he was in a hurry. There was a Cobalt next to me leaving the light and at just about 30 MPH I had passed him enough for the Goat to get over. He had an exhaust so when I heard him mash on it so did I. He got about even with my rear door when my truck decided to down shift. (At 30 MPH the NBS FLIES.) I ran it up to about 80 MPH in a 50 MPH zone when I let off. I had him by atleast 2 trucks. After a couple of rights and a left with him behind me I figued he'd want redemption at the stop sign. I waited for him to get next to me and stop where he nodded and punched it simultaneously. I thought this race might have been closer since my truck is a TURD off the line... I was WRONG! Sitting there sleeping I realized what had happened and punched it myself. He spun the tires, I didn't, he jumped me a half of a truck from my drousiness but I quickly reeled him in at the top end of first. He quickly appeared in my rearview at the 1-2 shift and procedded to get smaller and smaller until 85 when I let off. Sorry for the long post but I've waited a long time to have a Dodge try me. :chevy: POWER FTW!!!

:cheers: good kill

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