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Have Any Of You Guys Had A Kidney Stone


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hey i was just wondering if any of you guys have ever had a kidney stone. I had to go the the emergency room last sunday because i was in so much pain, they gave me some drugs and the pain went away but it came back bad again today. Luckily im not at work and im taking oxicodone wich helps a bit.


I was wonering if any of you guys ave had one because i really done know what to expect its been almost a week and i still have not passed it. Just wondering

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Twice. Most painful thing I've ever had. First time hit me when a bunch of us were on a fishing trip 9 hours from home. :wtf: Had no idea what it was. Ended up coming home early and went into the hospital and they used a catheter to dislodge it and then I finally passed it couple days later. Got one a second time about 6 months later and managed to pass it within a couple days. Said mine were caused by too much calcium. None since then thank God.


Sometimes they blast them with Ultra-sound, sometimes with a catheter and sometimes you just eventually pass them. ANY way is painful. Sorry. :dunno: Catheter is the least painful because they knock you out. Ultra-sound is like getting kicked by a mule and passing it will make you hit notes that you thought were not humanly possible :D


The good news is once you pass them the pain is gone instantly. :thumbs: Drink lots of water. It helps to reduce the size of them and make it easier to pass. Good luck.

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wow you got ocyconitin? thats a pretty strong to perscribe for this imo. your muct be in a world of pain .


anywho my mother had one about 6 years ago and she said it was the worst most painful pain she has , worse then having me . which must of been a unimaginable becasue im still a pita.


good luck to you man and like stated stay on the meds if you feel anything bad and drink lots of water.

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My mom has had quite a few stones....The first time she had them they were so big she had to have surgery for them the doctor said he had never seen one so big in his life. The second time she had them i remember taking her to the emergency room at like 2 in the morning becuase she could not move they blasted those ones.

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Damn dude, good luck.Maybe drink plenty of water and 100% cranberry juice.

wow you got ocyconitin? thats a pretty strong to perscribe for this imo. your muct be in a world of pain .anywho my mother had one about 6 years ago and she said it was the worst most painful pain she has , worse then having me . which must of been a unimaginable becasue im still a pita. good luck to you man and like stated stay on the meds if you feel anything bad and drink lots of water.
He said Oxycodone, which is less potent than oxycontin.
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Damn dude, good luck.Maybe drink plenty of water and 100% cranberry juice.He said Oxycodone, which is less potent than oxycontin.



yes you are right , its basically the same, it usually contains Acetaminophen as well were as oxycontin just contains itself in higher dosages.

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yes you are right , its basically the same, it usually contains Acetaminophen as well were as oxycontin just contains itself in higher dosages.


all i know is it makes me feel drunk (im having a hard time typing) but at least it takes the pain away :D

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I've brought in a couple patients with kidney stones and boy oh boy.. it even sounded painful. Then my dad had one and it literally brought him to his knees it hurt so bad. He went in to the E.R. at 4am and the charge nurse told him that she had a couple and that they hurt worse than delivering a child.


Wish you a quick recoverey.

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He said Oxycodone, which is less potent than oxycontin.


Oxycodone is the active molecule within the brand name "Oxycontin". It is an opiate. I work within the company Purdue Pharma (in Totowa, NJ) which is the world's largest manufacturer of Oxycodone and owns the registered trade mark "Oxycontin". Purdue Pharma markets Oxycontin as a slow release formula because of the excipients they use within the tablet.


It is very interesting to see when they ship a lot of Oxy to their distributers. The entire facility goes under lockdown and up to 5 trucks leave the building at once with only one containing the actual shipment. They do this now (in part with the Federal controlled substances act) due to a "missing truck" back in like the early 90's that was reportedly hijacked by an organized crime unit (The Italian Mob of NYC). The truck had a street worth of $200 million.



yes you are right , its basically the same, it usually contains Acetaminophen as well were as oxycontin just contains itself in higher dosages.


Yes sir. "Percodan" is oxycodone with aspirin and "Percocet" is oxycodone with acetaminophen (Tylenol). The time released formula that Purdue markets under "Oxycontin" doesn't apply here and often these have a effective duration of only like 4 hours.



Back on topic, my wife had a stone and said it was a 10/10 on the pain index with the birth of my two girls being a 8/10. She said it helped to lay belly down on your knees. Other than that, pound the water and hope that it "makes its way out" as quick as possible.


Oh, by the way, since you were prescribed Oxycodone you are now on a government watch list :uhoh: If you happen to obtain multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors within a certain period of time, keep a lookout for a dark tinted Crown Vic tailing you around. :ughdance:

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My old man has passed a few....he said it will bring you to your knees when it does pass.


My sister (who is almost done with her RN school) told him to keep them when they pass - there are different types and they can test them and give you suggestions on what you can do to keep them from coming back. He said you can actually feel them traveling from the kidney through the pipes (when they travel from the kidney to the bladder they hurt, and then when they get to the bladder they don't feel bad until they, well, 'go toward the exit')

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Never had them but by buddy used to drink alot of Sam Adams. He used to get a pain in the side. then he switched to bud light. no more. he said the pain is wicked bad. Me dog had them 3 times. They had to make a new passage way for him. He is a min pin sorta. the doc. said that he was completely loaded the 3rd time. poor guy. they gave use a pill bottle and when we asked him if this is what we should give him they said no way. confused i asked him what was is this for and thy said that it was his kidney stones. He is better now but I couldn't imagine having them. hope you get better man.

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