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Off The Wall Question


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i was bored driving to work this morning and was curious about something.....I was looking at how how my IATs are here and in some cases like yesterday i was 40 degrees above ambient just driving around....I was curious if anyone has ever thought aboiut fixing up your CIA to hold dry ice? I know sounds stupid but as cold as it is i was just thinking it would be a cheap mod for a track day that may very well give you some nice gains due to how cold it really is..


Any thoughts or do i need to check back into my padded room?..lol

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i was bored driving to work this morning and was curious about something.....I was looking at how how my IATs are here and in some cases like yesterday i was 40 degrees above ambient just driving around....I was curious if anyone has ever thought aboiut fixing up your CIA to hold dry ice? I know sounds stupid but as cold as it is i was just thinking it would be a cheap mod for a track day that may very well give you some nice gains due to how cold it really is..


Any thoughts or do i need to check back into my padded room?..lol



it could be used. but with intercooler ice box's they are usually selaed to prevent from leaking on hard launches. when dry ice is mixed with water it created cardbon dioxide which will breat enough pressure to explode you ice box, like the dry ice 2 liter fun i used to have fun with when younger.

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It's still going to be feeding your engine CO2, which will mess with your AFR (at least that what makes sense in my head).


If you could use it to super-cool your intake tube, that might be something; It would cool the intake charge as it passed through without adding any C02. However I think that the air moves too fast through the intake tube for this to really be an improvement at all.


IMO you're better off wiring some e-fans on constant duty, to keep IATs as low as possible while you're not moving, or going the Methanol or Ice-Box route.

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the meth only kicks in after 5# of boost wich i wont see unless i'm on it....I am running 60#'ers.....Its TX heat killing me...it was 108 today and like i said I cruise to work and back and my IAT';s at a min are 20 above but alot of times hotter...the other day it was 95 out and my gauge said 137 IAT

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the meth only kicks in after 5# of boost wich i wont see unless i'm on it....I am running 60#'ers.....Its TX heat killing me...it was 108 today and like i said I cruise to work and back and my IAT';s at a min are 20 above but alot of times hotter...the other day it was 95 out and my gauge said 137 IAT


I feel your pain on that...


Before the E-Fans my IATs sat about 8*-12* degrees ambient, and after they're about 20*-25* above (and much higher if I let her idle for a while).

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