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Doctors May Have Found A Way To Destroy Hiv


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Yeah I heard on radio yesterday that cancer researchers have also figured out how cancer disables the human immune system through protein manipulation. It looks like all this genetic tinkering is about to pay off...


Mr. P.

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that is truly a breakthrough, maybe this will even help doctors find new ways to fight other diseases


IMO, I wouldn't wait for the doctors to find ways of fighting diseases. There are a ton of natural ways of fighting diseases, and most have been proven to work. But you will never hear doctors talking about these remedies. I avoid doctors as much as possible, all they know how to do is prescribe medication, and I don't agree with 80% of the medication that they prescribe. Sometimes there is a need for meds but when a doctor has somone one 8+ medications is absolutely rediculous.


Oops I got off topic. Back on.

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How exactly do you cure aids and cancer naturally????? ANy way if there is a natural way i am for it because i hate taking meds....


This discovery truly is amazing and i hope it pans out.


Aids, probably not. Cancer, yes. Ionized alkaline water and a shit load of herbs. I can't give you specifics, but my fathers best friend who lives in canada cured himself from leukemia and intenstinal cancer with Ionized alkaline water and a potent herbal blend. This same guy went to med school for a semester and dropped out claiming it was all a bunch of bullshit. The guy is close to genius. Everytime I speak with him it is amazing of the shit he knows. The Japenese have been practicing the principles of natural remedies for years, the same guy is Japenese. Now these methods don't work for everyone, but either do the doctors methods. In some cases it is the cemo that kills the patient, not the cancer. My fathers friend claims that there is no need for a pharmacy, close to everything can be found using natural methods, not synthetic methods. I myself have MANY health problems at a young age, I have been following my fathers friends recommendations and I feel like a new person.


Don't quote me, I am not an expert. I am just stating some of the things that I have gathered in conversations with Ken.

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Aids, probably not. Cancer, yes. Ionized alkaline water and a shit load of herbs. I can't give you specifics, but my fathers best friend who lives in canada cured himself from leukemia and intenstinal cancer with Ionized alkaline water and a potent herbal blend. This same guy went to med school for a semester and dropped out claiming it was all a bunch of bullshit. The guy is close to genius. Everytime I speak with him it is amazing of the shit he knows. The Japenese have been practicing the principles of natural remedies for years, the same guy is Japenese. Now these methods don't work for everyone, but either do the doctors methods. In some cases it is the cemo that kills the patient, not the cancer. My fathers friend claims that there is no need for a pharmacy, close to everything can be found using natural methods, not synthetic methods. I myself have MANY health problems at a young age, I have been following my fathers friends recommendations and I feel like a new person.


Don't quote me, I am not an expert. I am just stating some of the things that I have gathered in conversations with Ken.



Interesting :thumbs:

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