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Rob's Experience With A Z06


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There was a prelude to this at Zippy's during dinner on Saturday night....


There is a doctor here in town (who is a good friend of the family) who purchased a C6 Z06 a little over a year ago. He uses the car as his daily driver about half of the year (going between his small town general practice, the hospital, and a military base about 8 miles north of here), which means that the car is generally dirty. The doctor happens to be a great customer of mine, and begenning a year ago I told him that he needed to leave the car with me for a weekend and that when he came to pick it up it would be full of fuel and waxed/detailed (I am kind of a perfectionist, and seeing that car around town dirty just made me want to cry). He laughed about it, and said it sounded like a good deal to him, and that me might take me up on the deal.


Fast forward to about 4 weeks ago, the doctor along with his wife and son were back in our shop and my mom said to him, "Has he begged you to clean that Vette up yet?", at which point his wife asked what we were talking about and laughed when I told her. She said the same thing he said, and as they were leaving he asked me when I wanted the car.......


Well, about 11:00 am yesterday he pulls up in front of the business in the Z06 (I knew he had an order here to pick up so I didn't think anything out it) and then his son pulls up right behind him in his truck....my eyes got big, and the next thing you know he throws me the key fob and tells me to have fun!!!!


I walked out by the car (well, I think I may have had an erection at that point in time, so it could have been a waddle), and he starts telling me things about the car (being the Vette nut I am I pretty well knew, but what the hell, I had the keys in my hand to a Z06). I have been told my numerous people (including his brother) that he is a mad man in the car and that several people after riding with him in it said they would never do it again. The only thing he told me was (and I quote here), "Just watch out, she will spin the tires in first pretty good (DUH!), and for that matter, in second, third, and fourth. You should be fine in fifth and sixth though!" After which he left, leaving me (the 26 year old) with the keys to his Z06.


About 1:00 pm, I decided to take the car out for a spin (my heart was racing). I drove south about 5 miles to my dad's best friends house because his son had just gotten into town from Florida in his 90 Mustang Cobra (I just wanted to see the look on his face). Turns out, he wasn't home, so I head back toward the highway just in time to see a Neon SRT4 coming up the road. I hadn't really nailed it jet, so I get on the road, let it rip (it has a 7,000 red line) and was on his ass in a matter of seconds and around him before he knew what happened. We cruise about 2 miles and hit a stop light to which he gets over and being the dumbass he is (I knew the kid) gives the massive 4 banger a rev. I look over (with the look like, "Are you that f*ing stupid?") and was waiting on him at the next light (with a smile from ear to ear).


I did take a few friends for a ride....just mainly to scare the crap out of them. I was able to go out on a curvy 2 lane road with my friend who has the Cobra, it was just that I was always looking back to see how far behind he was (I was amazed to see how well the car cornered and how great it put the power down to the road - although it did have 325 width tires on the back).


Here are some pictures of the car once I got done cleaning it. When he came to pick it up this afternoon he was joking with me about the shear power of the thing. He said to me, "Amazing how quick that thing gets up over 100, isn't it". All I could do was keep thanking him. The weird this is, he just kept telling me thanks and that the last time it was that clean was when he got it. I finally had to tell him to stop thanking me, and how much I appreciated the opportunity to drive the car. I said, "There are not a lot of people out there that would hand over the keys to their Z06 to someone for a weekened and tell them to take it out and run it.", to which he replied that he knew me and knew how much I loved the cars and was safe knowing that I would take care of it.


As he was starting it up, he said that if I was going to keep cleaning it that well and filling up the tank, he was going to start bringing it to me every other month.....I told him to drop it off any time he wanted to!













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This was definately one of the best weekends of my life.....


Brian, thanks.....I will have to check the camera again :jester:


The dash shot was during the last pull while I was driving the car. I was on the 4 lane highway just a few blocks from our shop. I had turned around, and didn't hit it until I was going probably about 10-15 MPH. Even though it had Heads Up Display, all of my attention was toward the shift and seeing what was ahead of me (especially when it isn't my car), but when I had my buddy he said the shift was just over 60 MPH when we were fully into it. I was still a blast!!!!

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I was out on a job all day, but when I got in a few minutes ago my mother (who is the secretary here) said that his wife called earlier in the day just to say thank you (I am still confused on why they are thanking me....). I guess when he got home she went outside and looked at the car, and then jumped him because he didn't give me anything for cleaning it!?!


I told my mom that it was the cheapest $60 in premium I have ever spent!



Stewart - If I could afford one, I would already have one in the driveway (there is a new red one in the showroom down in Terre Haute at the Chevy dealer right now.....).

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I almost called you yesterday. A buddy and I were in Rockville and surrounding area doing a pre-run for a bike ride sponsored through my work and I see the ZO6 has a Parke county plate on it :banghead:

I would only scream like a little girl at 160+ :jester:


Is the camera OK? :D

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Yea, the camera appears to be fine (I think....).


Yes, the doctor does live in Parke County. You should have called - you probably weren't far away at all. Rockville is less than 15 minutes from the doorstep....(in the SS at least). You must have been on a romantic cruise seeing the covered bridges, weren't you? :D


The road me and TJ went on (the 2 lane curvy road) was US 41 between Clinton and Rockville. It is a blast (when there isn't traffic). We went all the way to Rockville, then back half way, back to Rockville and then to Clinton. We figured that was enough for the moment.....didn't need to try our luck and see :dupe: in the background....

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