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Changing My Life.


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Best of luck to you Steve. If you decide to move to the Midland/Odessa area you are more than welcome here :jester:


But seriously, I know I'm a couple hundred miles away, but if you need anything let me know. I'll be in the DFW Sept. 3 if you need anything.

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hey steve,


youve been a great help to me and my dad with questions we have had . i hope this move is for the better, and i hope it works well. i have some family in flower mound if you need anything and i may be free on sunday if you will still need help then, feel free to pm me with your number and i will see what i can do.

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Thank you all for your outpouring of support and help. I'm a bit overwhelmed with it, it's nice. Love ya guys (and gals).


I've already made temporary living arrangements in Flower Mound; the truck is already in good hands. Tonight I'm getting my Firebird running. I will be needing a trailer to move the Firebird, and I will need a trailer or larger van to move the rest of my stuff (TV, garage/tools, beds, appliances). I still need to find indoor storage for the Firebird, and build a couple of efan kits this week as well. Busy Busy Busy. I've overbooked myself (typical) and gotta rethink my plans.


Can anyone in DFW area recommend a good indoor storage place where I can park the Firebird? If not I'm just gonna start walking the yellow pages...


My father and I had another 30-minute discussion; more of the same. Part what he thinks is a lie/incorrect, part what he thinks is true, most of it is self-serving BS and he really doesn't care to hear my perspective. I kinda understand now why I married my ex, they are cut from the same cloth. I dunno what to think about all that yet, I'm working on it in my spare time.


Mr. P.

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One thing I've learned, Steve, is to try not to dwell on the past. It was what it was. We can learn from it, but we have to move forward. Some stuff we'll never have explained, or understand why. Try to let some of that stuff go... it's hard, though.

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Steve, I know it has to be hard. Especially when you're busting your ass trying to make something work when the other party could care less. I think you'll do fine up here. You have friends/support that are a phone call away that will be willing to help in way we can. With your knowledge, and skills with programming/IT you'll land a good job in no time putting your skills to work for YOU. Not someone else. It's all going to work out. :thumbs:

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If the response to your post is any type of barometer...Buddy you are going to be ok...

I can't feel how you feel, but I can somehow relate...Life is like a buffet...you get better by experiences, as long as we can recognise our trip ups, and try to improve later in life...

Geeze most of us are bullet proof after our 40's...

I am extremely impressed and honored that you would share/vent your emotions with us!

The cream always rises to the top...

I am out of clever metaphors right now! LOL


P.S. Have you ever considerd helping out troubled youth? I think you might be a graet mentor for some young people out there based on your interests and obvious integrity with everyone here...


Hang tight...

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