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Don't Work For Friends!


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Ok I am going to make this as short as possible. Don't work for friends! I have done it and lost some good friends. Who I guess were really not friends at all. Now my wife is in the same boat. She left a high paying job with a large corporation with full benefits and a pension that she had been at for 10 years to work for a neighbor who had his own business. She was kind of tired of the corporate BS and this looked very promising. We had long talks about it and I was not convinced it was the right thing to do only because I had been through the same thing. We both agreed that we would take the chance and see what happens, because the business was very profitable and he promised her a lot of perks. The only bad thing was she was going to lose about $20,000 a year plus all her benefits. He promised her that he would get her back to what she was making in a very short time. 6 months passed and nothing so she talked to his wife and she said that she needed to ask for the raise. She had done a lot to get his business on the right track since he is not very good at managing all the accounts and paperwork. She kind of ran the show. Another 6 months went buy and she was still no where close to what she was making plus business was getting slow. It has been almost 15 months now and he has cut her hours down to 20 hours a week with the potential of getting laid off. His wife wanted her fired 2 months ago, but he refused. This is the same person who told her to ask for a raise. :mad: I can't tell you how mad I am. Not at my wife, but to this person who promised us one thing and has done something else. Over the last year he has indiscriminately spent thousands of dollars on "toys" that could have gone into the business. So my wife has sent out a barrage of resumes over the last week or so to try and get out. I just wish she could quit and let him fall flat on his face. The good thing is that we don't have a lot of bills. The mortgage, my SS and one Visa. But I can't pull all of that on my salary.


So the moral of the story. Don't work for friends or family. I have done both and have been burned each time.



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Yeah i have learned my lesson about working with/for friends....It is not worth it in the long run.... Never do business with friends and be VERY careful when doing business with family!


I hope your wife finds a new job soon! Good Luck with the hunt!!

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Sorry to hear the news. Hope she finds another job fast so the jack@ss falls on his face. I'd never work with a friend, just my best friend. We haven't let money come between us yet. We always owe each other but payback sooner or later. nothing major. We're thinking about buying some real estate(duplexes/rental properties).

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i agree. my dad and i worked together for about a year or so and just had a big fall out. after that we never talked or seen each other. he finally told me he was proud of me when i left for iraq in 2003. our fall our happened in 98. but everything is fine now. i hope the best for ya man

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