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At Least I Know My Wife Loves Me


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some advice for the future... cruise set to 55-60mph, stay in slow lane, do not attempt to change lanes or exit, and keep your eyes on the road! :thumbs: (although an occasional glance is ok, but 99% on the road) :jester:

Edited by 2006_SUPERADO (see edit history)
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Just made the claim on my insurance. Told them I was trying to avoid an animal in the road and chose to hit the barrell instead of the animal. Too bad the animal was me! hahaa



ahahah i would say the animal is the MRS. lol

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Amateurs :jester: J/K It's just a truck man, it can be fixed. Your marriage is more important and it's a good thing you guys still have fun. She loves ya, you must be doing something right! :thumbs:


I had something along the same lines happen last week, Pimp SS called me and told me "dude what did you do to your truck?" and of course I replied "... nothing???" and he said "no man, the rear bumper looks like someone tried to pull it from the truck, you can put 3-fingers between the bumper and the body" :eek: And I finally got down to the bottom of it all, I had my gf drive the truck to Pimp SS's house and along the way she ran over roadkill, apparently large roadkill according to her description the size of a large dog and I'm pretty sure it snagged the bottom lip of the rear bumper at freeway speed. A while ago I'd be fuming about it, but I'm not and I guess that must mean I love her :confused::lol:


thats a hard task to manage with the big center console and all...

:crackup: Yeah I call it the 'planned parenthood center console" :banghead:


Mr. P. :)

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Well Bishop, I hope that construction barrel looks WORSE than your truck!!! And I hope you pulled off the road after this incident and FINISHED the wifey off!! :thumbsup: LOL!!!


I had something along the same lines happen last week, Pimp SS called me and told me "dude what did you do to your truck?" and of course I replied "... nothing???" and he said "no man, the rear bumper looks like someone tried to pull it from the truck, you can put 3-fingers between the bumper and the body" :eek: And I finally got down to the bottom of it all, I had my gf drive the truck to Pimp SS's house and along the way she ran over roadkill, apparently large roadkill according to her description the size of a large dog and I'm pretty sure it snagged the bottom lip of the rear bumper at freeway speed. A while ago I'd be fuming about it, but I'm not and I guess that must mean I love her :confused::lol:




That's the thing about those damn construction barrells...they're pretty solid lil things! And of course when the truck was parked at a safe location without me behind the wheel, I finished my husbandly duties! thanks for you concern though! haha


Mr P. If my wife would have ran something like that over I'm not sure I could be as calm as you. Yea it means you love her.

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some advice for the future... cruise set to 55-60mph, stay in slow lane, do not attempt to change lanes or exit, and keep your eyes on the road! :thumbs: (although an occasional glance is ok, but 99% on the road) :jester:

haha we have some veterans here lol. sorry to hear about that. i hope you took your frustrations out at home in the sack! time for some upgrades. cowl hood would be nice

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haha we have some veterans here lol. sorry to hear about that. i hope you took your frustrations out at home in the sack! time for some upgrades. cowl hood would be nice


Mods are in the near future my friend. I have to pay for a honeymoon first. Once thats done there's a Z06 brake upgrade, a cowl hood, 160* Tstat, a tune and many others coming. patience is a virtue.


For those following this thread, I just got my appraisal back from the Insurance company. $967 give or take a few pennies. Taking her in on Thursday to start her makeover. The SSS will be looking pretty again soon...thank the lord!

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