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Well Gus I Blew It


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well i did my physical and due to prvious jumps my body just wont let me do it. the doctors told me i couldnt do it. i have lower back problems plus knee and anchle problems. they told me that i have rumitoid arthritis. so because of that i was disqualified. im a little bumbed but i guess the good Lord has better plans for me. so i didnt let it get me down i took a flight test and passed. so hopefully soon i will be headed to warrant officer school and then on to flight school. so again wish me luck gents and ladies.. Justin

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Hey bro, no matter what, we are all behind you. Maybe you were meant to be W.O. Anyways, I'm sure the wife will be a little less worried about you going W.O. than SF. Anything else you can do ie: Possible waiver from a private doctor ... I remember my a guy in my squad didnt qualify for Marine Force Recon due to preexisting medical so he tried a private doctor but I'm not sure what happened.

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Good luck become a WO. But on the bright side with those condition documented in your medical record when you get out and talk to a VA counselor they be able to get you a second monthly paycheck for the rest of life. And It sounds like you would rate a Handicapped placard. Hello, front row parking for the SSS!

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