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They Found My Truck

Pasadena SS

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Bad news guys. I went to get the truck from the impound and it's a total loss. There is nothing left, just the shell and the engine. I'm pretty upset right now, so I'm gonna go relax and get my head clear. Then we'll plan on what to do next. If you have any suggestion please give it to me. I can use your advices.


Thanks guys.

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Bad news guys. I went to get the truck from the impound and it's a total loss. There is nothing left, just the shell and the engine. I'm pretty upset right now, so I'm gonna go relax and get my head clear. Then we'll plan on what to do next. If you have any suggestion please give it to me. I can use your advices.


Thanks guys.



if your insurance is going to help you then you may take it as a loss and hopefully get some compensation , if not i would try to get something out of it, sell the engine and misc body pieces. it may not be fun but its better than nothing.

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Bad news guys. I went to get the truck from the impound and it's a total loss. There is nothing left, just the shell and the engine. I'm pretty upset right now, so I'm gonna go relax and get my head clear. Then we'll plan on what to do next. If you have any suggestion please give it to me. I can use your advices.


Thanks guys.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. Best advice was given just before me. Sell what you can and move on. Just know that Judgement Day will come someday for the thieves and they will get what they earned.


God Bless

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man thats tough....i feel for ya...I agree with Chase..if insurance is going to leave ya hanging and i'm sure they will..Liability if i understand is for the other persons car if you get into an accident....I would part it off and try to get all i can out of it....I assume the truck was paid off since you only had liabilty so atleast you dont have that to deal with.

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Seems to me, you only have two options at the moment, and it just depends on what your money looks like right now. For what I am told/understand of this situation, insurance won't be giving you a dime. You can either sell it/part it for all you can, or, if you can, bring it back home, park it out back, and start putting all you can into it, and make it one hell of street machine.

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