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Got Caught Off Guard


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My wife and I were taking my truck to a buddy of mine's shop to have a look at the place. He is just an employee there but has an opportunity to buy the business. He is looking for a partner in the deal and wanted to see what I thought of the place.


On my way there, I turn on to the street where a group of hispanics gather to get a job for the day. Everyone knows they are there and everyone knows why. What caught me off guard is as I was making the turn to go to the shop, the entire group runs towards my truck on my wife's side! My first though was to make sure the wife is safe and gun it to get away a quickly as possible, which is what I did.


First off, I had no idea that happens on a daily basis to those who pull up to hire a couple of guys. My biggest problem is what if one of those fools managed to get pushed in the mad dash to get there first and got run over by my truck!? Then what? I would be in jail charged with manslaughter or something.


Sorry for the rant, but this kinda bothered me a bit.



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There are lots of places they hang around here too. Mostly Home Depots or corners where other Home improvement stores are. Don't slow down just drive right through, but don't punch it. Most know not to actually touch or approach the vehicles unless they stop.

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What really pisses me off about situations like this is that where we used to live the city built a day labor station, for lack of a better term, where they all gather to get work. Nice little air conditioned heated facility for them to hang out. This was built by the city, with taxpayers money, for people who aren't even legally in this country.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. :rant:

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i hate that crap. idk why we cater to them. when they get here illegally no less, they can open up credit cards through the government! with a few hundred dollars already on it for them to get started! WTF! ship em out!

Edited by slammedbowtie (see edit history)
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yeah its crazy the way they rush your car.They are hungry and at least their not on freeway off ramps just asking for money.that fool on youtube is stupid crazy,but i think its all fake their is no way in hell that guy could go in to LA and come out with life or in one piece :confused:

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