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well like it says went to the m event i made it to the 3rd round even tho i broke out 2 times... grrrr first round my dial in was 12.4... i ran a 12.400 :) then i tried going threw the water as recomend from zippy.. was alil unsure being awd.. but my next run was a person best 60ft...


rt.... .139

60 1.678 ... woohooo

330 5.042

1/8 7.856

mph 87.14

1000 10.307

1/4 12.378

mph 109.54


next round i really focued on my r/t and i was pretty happy with it... spun alil out of the hole but was wayyy ahead of the other guy.. so i let off at about the 1000... as you can see i droped 5mph .. i wonder what i would have ran if i would have kept my foot in it...grrrrrrrrr damnit so i broke out again even lettin off alot! i wish i could have stayed in it just so see


r/t .005....WOOHOO see ya!!..lol

60 1.712..... spun bad worst 60 of the nite atleast during racing

330 5.047

1/8 7.861

mph 87.08

1000 10.308

1/4 12.388

mph 105.00 was slower from lettin off early tryin not to brake out..grrrrr


but anyways im pretty happy over all it was my frist time actuly racing normaly i just to test in tunes... im hooked..haha


hell yea man i just wish i could get on that level with my truck. good times


Very nice. I think the wife got it on video. The truck is running very nicely. Are you in third or fourth gear in the traps?

Very nice. I think the wife got it on video. The truck is running very nicely. Are you in third or fourth gear in the traps?



really.. you sould post it up.. are camera quit so ive yet to see what it looks like goin down the track with the lil wheels on... should give everyone a laugh..lol but it works


the truck was stayin in 3rd gear and i went across the line at about 6100rpms... not to bad for a short tire.. maybe 26inchs tall. might have to get some short DRs now..


what did everyone else run.. i didnt get to see alot..post vids!!!!

really.. you sould post it up.. are camera quit so ive yet to see what it looks like goin down the track with the lil wheels on... should give everyone a laugh..lol but it works


the truck was stayin in 3rd gear and i went across the line at about 6100rpms... not to bad for a short tire.. maybe 26inchs tall. might have to get some short DRs now..


what did everyone else run.. i didnt get to see alot..post vids!!!!


I found the video, should have it up tomorrow.


Joe, the air wasn't as good as we wanted by the time the let us run. Supposed to start running at 9:30, started at 11:00.

nice times, wish i could get my sixty foots down in the 1.6 range



are trucks are very close.. what kinda 60s are you gettin? and what wheel tire combo are you using?


im runnin some 16s steels with some extrealy short tire like 26inchs..but id like to find something alot lighter. they still weight in at 53.4lbs

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