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Just Washed The Truck And Now It Raining!


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thats bad i went 2 weeks without washing my truck and BAM!!!! Ike hit and ruined the $75 detail i had paid for! i had to work up to it and finally last weekend i got around to washing it again. def need to get a good wax in though the storm brought a lot of shit in with it!!!

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I always watch the weather but have had it rain just after washing or before I have a chance to dry the thing off.


I just finished washing and buffing it out this evening and now they are calling for rain tomorrow night and thursday morning. But thats okay, the truck will not move so it will stay clean till I drive it next and will be easy clean up since I got a good coat of wax on it today. God I hate black.

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I wash mine IN the rain....


Can't beat 'em, join 'em.



too bad it only rains hard enough to clean it when you don't need it to. otherwise it usuall rains just enough to mess everything up

Edited by BG06SILVERADO (see edit history)
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