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Unbelievable...gas Stolen, Tanks Ruined...

orion :: SS

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So...I currently have a Nissan Titan, and I'm still trying to sell my Silverado SS...and both tanks got drilled last night, so that someone could steal the gas.


There was *maybe* $60 worth of gas in them, total.


We woke up this morning, and I went to help my wife load up a couple things into the SS (she's driving it right now)...and noticed a heavy gas smell. (She had filled up 1/2 a tank on Tuesday, maybe $50 worth of gas)


I stuck the key in, and the gas gauge didn't move...it was on "E", the light was on.


Crawled under the truck, and found two 1/4" holes in the plastic tank!!!!


Checked under my Titan, and saw nothing at first....but it has a sizeable skid plate over the tank (it has the off-road package).


Put the key in, and same thing...dead on empty. Crawled back underneath with a light, and sure enough...2 holes (the skid plate has six 1"X5" long openings in it...it was right in the middle of one of those).




Right in our driveway.


We have a motion-senor light out there...and a street light across the street, right at the end of the driveway. PLUS, the street that the garage is on is the main drag for the neighborhood (we're on a corner lot)!


...I'm just floored that some **** would do that, for some unknown amount of gas.


I TRULY hope that he lit a cigarette on the way home, and burned to death, slowly. Worthless Piece of sh!t.


Anyone that would totally disable 2 vehicles to steal a little gas...and will cost me several hundred dollars (with insurance, our $1000 deductible applies)...is a worthless human being. .....


....Anyway, pics:

Where they were (are) parked - - >



Silverado SS tank (one hole in the side, one on the bottom) - - >



Titan tank (as I said above, it's got a sizable skid plate on it...they just drilled between one of the holes in it) - - >



...Keep an eye out guys...the cops said they are seeing more and more of this!!!


EDIT - - -> Oh, and I have 2 new tanks coming...they'll be here tomorrow.But what a pain in the ass to have to deal with this, over a little gas!


- Brian

Edited by orion :: SS (see edit history)
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That totally F'n sucks-------------Unfortunately, I think that this type of thing is only the beginning of worse things to come.......People are getting extremely desperate.


For sure things are only gonna get worse!! Pretty soon people are going to start fabbing up a skid plate to cover the SS tanks its gonna be a popular mod!

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That just sux!!! I effin HATE theives! Sorry SOBs don't have any respect for other peoples things, and too durn sorry to have anything nice themselves. I dont know if I could have controlled myself had I caught someone doing that to my vehicles. I do like the idea of throwing a lit cigarette at them, or maybe a lit road flare! Just to shed a little light on the subject.



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thats horrible , if someone wanted gas that badly id rather buy it for them but no they have to go ruin your tank and cause you hours of work just to fix. time for some surveilance and a lowering kit.

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First I just want to say hi :seeya: , haven't seen you in a while.


Now to the topic, I am SOOOOO F'EN PISSED to see this. This type of sh^% really pisses me off. I would like to find the scumbag myself and hang them by their balls 10 feet in the air. I get so damn mad when I see things like this happen. We all have to work to afford putting gas into our cars just like the next person, but who the hell gives someone the wright to just go and take what isn't theirs. :rant:


Okay, I just took my blood pressure meds.

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