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How Many Guys Drive Their Sss Im The Snowy Months?


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I drive mine all winter it is fun i hate to do it cause I hate putting all those miles on it.. But just take it to a touch less car wash as often as you can and get the undercarriage wash and get it buffed out in the spring..

Edited by sick03ssbad70velle (see edit history)
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the AWD thing looks like your giving me $hit or calling me a dummy... as far as the paint, all the sandblasting from trsaffic and just driving in general beind each tire and all over the nose (i know i know mud flaps) but its already bad whats the point now id just like to know if anyone is doing anything quick and easy to prevent it sprays? compounds? maby vaseline? (like the oldschool hotrodders)

Nope, not giving you hard time or calling you a dummy, I was just saying I call mine an All Weather Drive SS, so in answer to your question:"How Many Guys Drive Their Sss Im The Snowy Months?" I do and have done so since it was new. Our local and state DOT's use salt and Calcium Chloride on the streets and highways and I don't see any unusual effects on the undercarriage or paint from it. I do not run my chrome rims in the winter because they will rust.

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In the winter, my chrome wheels go into storage, and I add 350lbs to the bed of the truck since i'm RWD.....I wash the truck 1-2 times per week, and apply a good coat of wax just before snow season starts, and a fill the washer tank with Ice Melt washer fluid........

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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hey ray how much does it snow up here. this will be my first winter here. i doesnt snow much in tennessee. my truck is 2wd and it allready sux in the rain

No matter how much it snows 2wd sucks in the snow. as you put it, it's already sucking in the rain.. You best bet is to follow what Fireman31 is doing. Ray is in a different league beings he's AWD.


When I was shopping for a new truck I was looking for a 4x4 to replace my 95 4x4 then I came across the SS and noticed the AWD and I was sold. I always liked the lowered trucks and figured I could have a lowerd AWD now. I didn't want to deal with a 2WD in the winters here in MO. Which isn't to bad for snow but we have our moments. A couple years ago we had 16" overnight (The most since I've lived here) and the previous owner told me he drove the SS to his tractor so he could blade his road. After I purchased the SS in Feb. One morning on the way to work I didn't realize the road was iced up until I got to a stoplight and seen cars/trucks fish tailing.


Just know that no matter what your driving. Snow and Ice can damage any car/truck. If not from an error you've done or what you've drove on (Black Ice). But error's on other peoples parts as well.


I once or more then once came up to a 4 way stop and yes I was in 4x4 and just slid right through it for about 20 feet. I just let off the brake, and tapped them as I laughed. Good thing it was 5:30 am and no other cars where around. But that curb was getting closer and closer before I finally came to a stop.


Just be careful, don't drive like it's dry pavement and pay attention to others around you.

Any yes.. Pray for a mild winter and an early spring ;)

Edited by Tzer (see edit history)
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Mine is a daily driver year round....... :( .........Just polished the paint a while back, with multiple coats of Zaino. Might try to get another couple of coats of something on 'er before winter actually hits. I have a feeling we are gonna get some serious winter weather this year in the "Heartland"...... :rolleyes: ......I will say, the SS is fun to drive in the snow..... :cheers:

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Know of Zeibart in Shrewsbury? They can do undercarriage sprays to protect against rust, I know they are a little pricey but with 2 SS trucks (mine and yours) they might be willing to drop the price. Let me know if interested. I drive mine during winter months but I am tired of washing it in the freezing cold...I always use to swing by the car wash after my day was over and get the undercarriage done. However, I just had a water faucet installed in my garage so I can just do it myself. The AWD is a monster in the snow and you can sure have some fun. Grab some Bridgestone Blizzaks or Bridgestone Duellers and you have a great winter tire.

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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Know of Zeibart in Shrewsbury? They can do undercarriage sprays to protect against rust, I know they are a little pricey but with 2 SS trucks (mine and yours) they might be willing to drop the price. Let me know if interested. I drive mine during winter months but I am tired of washing it in the freezing cold...I always use to swing by the car wash after my day was over and get the undercarriage done. However, I just had a water faucet installed in my garage so I can just do it myself. The AWD is a monster in the snow and you can sure have some fun. Grab some Bridgestone Blizzaks or Bridgestone Duellers and you have a great winter tire.


whats it cost? maby we could even get some more guys

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last year was my last year of driving in snow. it was a daily driver till recently. some may think i dont drive my SS but with over 98,000 miles on the clock i can prove them wrong. here are some pics of my SS last year... enjoy



ahhhhh didnt hurt your paint at all? behind my wheels is all sandblasted and it pisses me off i believe its from driving when all the sand and salt is on the road

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ahhhhh didnt hurt your paint at all? behind my wheels is all sandblasted and it pisses me off i believe its from driving when all the sand and salt is on the road



nothing that daily driving doesnt do to a vehicle. i do work in a garage atmosphere so i have to ability to wash it at will, and usually did on Friday nights to give it a good thaw. but i didnt baby it either, in the end its still a truck, yes mine is a little over the top but its a truck. the only reason i stopped driving it is gas prices, 100 a week was killin me.

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