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My Family And I Really Need Your Prayers Guys


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My mother has been in and out of the hospital several times this past month and a half for high calcium levels in her blood. My family and I were worried because when a person has too much calcium in their blood, it can put them into a coma that he or she most likely never comes out of. My mom has seen a nephrologist, endocrinologist, you name it. At first, the doctor said her elevated calcium level was caused by too much vitamin D - so for a little while we thought my mom had parathyroid disease which I wish was the problem because it's an easy fix. However, long story short - the CAT scan my mother received yesterday showed masses/tumors all over her gut which are 99% cancerous. Unfortunately since there are more than one mass/tumor in her gut, doctors cannot operate to remove them since there are so many. Tomorrow my mother will receive a biopsy to determine what the masses are and type of cancer this is, but will not receive the results for a couple days (so frustrating). I pray to God my mother does not have kidney cancer or anything of the sort. There is a medicine called Gleevac, which is chemotherapy in a pill form, that supposedly is fantastic for tackling, killing, maintaing tumors and cancer cells - so all in all, please keep my mother in your prayers because I am no where near ready to lose my mom - not for a long time.


One more thing - five years ago my mother had a malignant GIST tumor removed and was on Gleevac for about 1.5 to 2 years. A GIST tumor is a gastroinstromal tumor (in the abdomen) and are very rare. GIST tumors are slow growing tumors and can be maintained or killed by Gleevac. My family and I feel that the GIST tumor has come back in my mother's gut, but this time there's more than one. We are hoping that if this is the case, then Gleevac can maintain or kill the tumors and my mother can recover safely. The anticipation of receiving results and final answers is making me crazy upset.

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Best of luck to you. Doctors can do amazing things, I hope for the best. I just celebrated my 10 year anniversary with my Cancer battle. I was 26 with a tumor the size of a softball between my kidneys. I believe things will work out for you.


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Thank you everyone so much - it really means a lot to me to know that I have you guys and gals as my friends. :) The worst part right now is waiting for my mother to get the biopsy tomorrow and then to wait for the results because my family and I are in the blind - not too sure what path this all is going to take. Once I hear more I will keep everyone posted - thanks again everyone.


Best of luck to you. Doctors can do amazing things, I hope for the best. I just celebrated my 10 year anniversary with my Cancer battle. I was 26 with a tumor the size of a softball between my kidneys. I believe things will work out for you.



And Doug - Congrats on your anniversary! I'm really happy that things worked out for the best for you - I just hope my mom encounters a positive path as well. Good luck to you and thanks. :)

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Very sorry to hear about your mother. I currently know 3 different people with different kinds of cancer (breast, ovarian & lung). Seems like everybodys getting it. Good news is that 2 of them are doing very well 1 1/2 and 2 years respectively into it. The third is just about to start chemo this week and they say the prognosis is good. The medical profession has come incredibily far in just the last 10 years in fighting all types of cancer. New breakthroughs are made constantly. So remain hopeful and try to stay positive and remember that we are all praying for you.

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