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Dodge Blows On Dyno


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I will try to make this short. Last night I went to HIN (Hot Import Nights). I have gone for the last 4 years only because my last two cars were imports and one I used to show. I got a free pass to get in from a buddy so I figured why not go and check stuff out. Every year Valvaline has a Dyno tent where they dyno cars to see who has the most improved HP over stock. Again 99% of the cars are imports. The DynoJet is on a trailer and they have a large tent over it. It is all state of the art with large screen TV's to watch the numbers. Well last night a Dodge Ram was pulled onto the dyno. Stock except for an intake, exhaust and maybe a tune. They got the truck all locked down and got ready for the pull. You could get pretty close so I was about 10-15 feet away. As the Dyno operator started the pull I was watching the RPM's on the large TV. At about 5500 I looked back at the truck and BOOM, all hell broke lose. Parts started flying out from under the truck and out of the corner of my eye I see this part go flying past me. Then we see what looked like water start pouring out from under the truck. Well it was not water but GAS! Then we were all told to get away from the tent. Once we got away from the tent we noticed a crowd gathering about 50 yards in back of the Dyno and some dude lying on the ground. Apparently what happened was the u-joint failed, sending the drive shaft into the gas tank, rupturing it. Once the drive shaft fell off, it hit the spinning rollers and was sent out from behind the truck like a rocket hitting this dude in the leg. I would say he was pretty lucky. Had that hit him in the head he might have been seriously injured or worse and had that gas ignited I might not be posting this story. I am sure Valvaline will be looking into whether they will be doing these dyno pulls any more.


Here is the VID.


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I have always wondered how much insurance has to cost for a mobile set up like that for the same reason, liabilaty. the other day I went to a bike show and they had a set up like that, I had my son and decided to walk away in fear of something letting go and hitting him. crazzyy shiat right there.

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Crazy stuff!


A guy I post with was taking a video of his big cube twin turbo Hemi on an engine dyno. Once the engine started to pull revs a loud explosion sounded, and they were heard talking on the video- they thought the engine blew up. It was vibrating and knocking, astounding damage sounds.


Turns out they broke the dyno!



The engine was OK!

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