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I have tmj from a bad car accident, basically my jaw cracks alot and its a pia. Basically 2 nights a week I sleep in a chair because I cant lay my jaw on a pillow.....wa wa wa....Long story short I need my wisdom teeth out and I am 24. Was told that teeth removal could make the tmj possibly severely worse since it puts so much pressure on the jaw during the procedure. Dr is iffy about it....

Anyone have tmj? and had their wisdom teeth out? just need some opinions if you have this prob like me, thank you in advance.

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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long story short- i have tmj too and i feel you bro.

Parafon Forte DSC is an oral muscle relaxer that dentists are very comfortable prescribing and works great for extended use

Ketoprophen- pain reliever, its better than taking 800mg Ibuprophen or lortab for an extended time.. trust me haha


I'm seeing a TMJ specialist now after years of BS from other dentists. Basically I have a removable retainer that has "ramps" on my back teeth so that my jaw is better lined up and i dont wear the muscle anymore than it has been. I just started going to this guy about a month ago so its a new plan, but the plan is to wear this as often as i can and even sleep with it if i want to. It helps the headaches. After using this for a few months and then getting more of a permanent retainer he says ill probably need braces to re-align my bite so that the jaw structure isn't thrown off when i chew or open my mouth.


The doctors told me it could eventually do one of two things: (if its not treated) rip my jaw muscle in half requiring surgery OR wear my teeth down so that my jaw would be lopsided and useless.


so most definately get a good doctor for this and make sure they know what they are doing since tmj is most often NOT covered by insurance.

Edited by OklahomaSS (see edit history)
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long story short- i have tmj too and i feel you bro.

Parafon Forte DSC is an oral muscle relaxer that dentists are very comfortable prescribing and works great for extended use

Ketoprophen- pain reliever, its better than taking 800mg Ibuprophen or lortab for an extended time.. trust me haha


I'm seeing a TMJ specialist now after years of BS from other dentists. Basically I have a removable retainer that has "ramps" on my back teeth so that my jaw is better lined up and i dont wear the muscle anymore than it has been. I just started going to this guy about a month ago so its a new plan, but the plan is to wear this as often as i can and even sleep with it if i want to. It helps the headaches. After using this for a few months and then getting more of a permanent retainer he says ill probably need braces to re-align my bite so that the jaw structure isn't thrown off when i chew or open my mouth.


The doctors told me it could eventually do one of two things: (if its not treated) rip my jaw muscle in half requiring surgery OR wear my teeth down so that my jaw would be lopsided and useless.


so most definately get a good doctor for this and make sure they know what they are doing since tmj is most often NOT covered by insurance.



Thank you a bunch. I am on diazepam (valium) for my back and neck issues...but does not do $h!t for the headaches and migraines I get. They wont rx me any more pain meds, so I will ask about those meds your talking about. My jaw is already lopsided, Im just sketched the muscle might be torn during surgery. Thank you a bunch man, this helps a lot.


Ya I cant stand Ibuprofen, gave me an ulcer from 800mg 3x daily.

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OklahomaSS or anyone else who had a retainer how did it help? I cant take those meds as I am already on a CNS sedative and cant take Nsaids due to my ulcer. Just so sick of this damn thing im losing too much weight each week from not being able to eat and I am going on ambien so I can start sleeping again............... :banghead:



hey mike or jesse wanna knock my jaw out of alignment for me? How much $$, then i can get my jaw fixed :jester: . Just have to have bring the beer to the ER for the IV....

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I've got this and it has gotten worse over the years. I was told years ago that I needed my jaw broken and wired shut for a couple months and I refused that. I had my impacted wisdom teeth removed when I was 22yrs old and was fine till this past year. Lately my right side jaw is very painful and keeps locking up on me and sleeping at night is painful. I have a hard time opening my mouth in the morning when I get up as well. I also am no longer able to bite into things like a sub way sub or thick burger, have to just eat the edges.


I didn't know there was some type of a retainer that you can wear, my dentist never told me of anything like this. The only retainer I have is to keep my teeth straight, but I only wear that a couple nights a week. I'm gonna have to ask him about this when I go to see him next because the pain is getting to be to much now.

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I also have TMJ. I've had it for years from fighting way too much in my teens. The problem became 100x worse after I got my orbital and jaw broken almost 10 years ago. These days I can't even close my mouth all the way and I have to move my pillow 10 different ways every night to keep the pressure off my jaw so I can sleep. I honestly have no solution for you as this is something I need to address with my Dr also.

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