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Hows The Economy Doing In Your Area?


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here in the high desert in So Cal it's not good. jobs that pay $18-24 per hr. anywhere else, here they pay only $10..employers know when they put an add out for workers, that so many apply then can pay low and know that people will take what ever just to have a job.

my company has no contracts due until after Jan 15, last contract will be over on the 23rd of this month...lay offs until Jan.15 70% go. I'm lucky i have enough work to keep busy, but no OT.





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For me things are going well. My company has been building an additional 1 billion dollar plus facilty that produces Silane gas and polysilicon for solar cells/panels. Though our shares are down, the comapny seems to be doing very well. We have sells contracts set through 2012.


Unfortunatley, we have had other industries in the area layoff over half of their workforce. I hope things turnaround for those of you effected. Housing I believe is probably about average, I personally havent seen any more than usual foreclosures in the area. Builders seem to continue building, mainly starter homes. The custom home market has definalty slowed.


The only thing kickin my butt is my 401k. Im at the same amount I was at the end of last year and dropping. They say keep putting in but DAMN...I will be pulling out my contributions very soon but leaving in enough for the company match.

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