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I Shall Be Proclaimed The Greatest Dad Ever!


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well i went ahead and bought the kids a little 70cc four wheeler and a couple helmets. ive got it stashed in the barn out back hopefully i can keep them out of there untill xmas. im going to custom paint the helmets for them. not sure what design yet. im thinking either doing my sons to look like a georgia football helmet or try and do some kind of optimus prime(transformer) look alike. as for my daughter im not really sure, it needs to be girlly but still badass at the same time. any suggestions??? maybe a black helmet w/ pink flames. cant wait to see their faces xmas. hell i maybe more excited about xmas this year than them lol. Mark

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oh yeah xmas is going to be the sh*t this year. ill have to borrow a vid camera, im thinking their going to freak out maybe a back flip or two lol. they are also getting a Wii so they will already be pumped before i give them the last two presents, the helmets. im giving my son about 2 seconds before he realizes, damn this helmet has to mean.....hell yeah FOUR WHEELER BABY!!!! can you tell im excited :crazy:

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Yep, this Christmas,,,U THE MAN! I got my boy a little 90 3 yrs ago,,he was ten then, he loved it, and to top it all off,,,we had got over 2 feet of snow the day before so needless to say someone stayed outside all day the Christmas,,I even got my 400ex out for a while,,and I HATE cold weather,but we don't get snow like that around here very much, if we get it at all,,mainly nasty rain all winter here, anyhow,,they will love it, get it on video!

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Hopefully I rank right up there with you. Couple months ago bought the 10 yr. old daughter a 4 wheeler a 110 cc and last week end bought the 4 yr old daughter a 90 cc. Decided to go ahead and give them to them. They are having a blast on them and now they can't wait for a snow. Now if I could just convince mother for me a 4 wheeler things will be good. I looking at 660 raptor or the 700. :D Wish me luck!!!!!


P.S. Your kids will have a blast on it.

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