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No Boxing Fans Huh?


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i didn't see a thread on it before the fight on saturday. whats that about??? no boxing fans? the fight was almost blacked out because not enough people bought tickets to see it in person. i heard it was an awesome fight too. i actually like boxing more than ufc cuz i hate the wrestling, i just want to see fools getting decked right in the face!

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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to me boxing it old and out ufc is here to stay . i enjoy ufc alot more . when boxers get tired and hug each other that is boring . when ufc fighters go to the ground they have to show their skils and longevity.

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no not a boxing fan at all... :D


to me boxing it old and out ufc is here to stay . i enjoy ufc alot more . when boxers get tired and hug each other that is boring . when ufc fighters go to the ground they have to show their skils and longevity.



:withstupid: MMA has way more action in it specially with those 4 ounce gloves compared to those 16-18 once boxing gloves. Chase ahs a good point even when they go to the ground if the figters dont do anything when down there the ref will stand them up and the striking continues :D !!!


anyways i didnt watch the fight saturday night i mean i did try to find a place to watch it but i just ended going to dinner with the chick i was with, but from wat i was saw De La Hoya looked lik he came in with no heart and Manny was too fast for him and took the fight outta him.




Edited by BlkSSnCpt (see edit history)
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I grew up watching ufc and boxing and used to like boxing a whole lot more but now mma has taken over. I did watch the pac and hoya fight and i must say i was pretty disappointed in oscar. Everyone was saying pac's speed wouldnt be enough to beat him, due to the great advantage in height, weight, and power. Funny enough, Pac stepped into the ring 1 1/2 lbs heavier than oscar, was still faster, and obviously stronger. By the 3rd round oscar's legs looked like jello.


Pacquiao has definitely improved exponentially over time. He's grown from being a one dimensional fighter who'd stand in front of his opponent and trade, not worrying about getting hit. Now he's still got that killer instinct but will trade smartly and is so illusive, evident against oscar and when he dominated former lightweight champ david diaz.


I would rather see pac fight hatton than mayweather because floyd would probably run the whole time. Hell I think Nate Campbell would be a better match than mayweather. But i would love to see pacquiao v. marquez III. With JMM moving up in weight and domination of casamayor, i think its time we see how he'll deal with pacquiao's versatility now.


What do you guys think?

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I still watch boxing, its still good, totally different sport than MMA. Different strategy for training in boxing than MMA and different fight plan for each fight and person you fight.. Better hand technique in boxing, there not a lot of MMA fighters that have good boxing skills. or kicking skills. I still watch a lot of MMA also and it is a good chess game on the ground but I would like to watch more stand up MMA.

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I didnt see the fight but I was told DeLaHoya got his ass handed to him and threw in the towel before the 9th round.


Anyone have any vid links to the fight?


I use to love boxing, but as mentioned it is boring compared to ufc imo.

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