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Ok guys hear me out, this will most likely be a long one.


A coworker was telling me his story at the end of work today and was asking for advice, and honestly I really couldnt answer him.

So his story goes like this....

Last Tuesday he and his wife noticed an extra $16,000 in their joint account. He nor his wife have any idea how it got there or why. So the next business day (Wednesday) he calls his bank up to figure out why its there and he was told that it was a bank error and they were in the process of correcting it. Sure enough the $16,000 showed that it was pending a withdraw and later that day it was gone. He said he was a little weirded out about it but wished the bank could of given him a little bit more information other than a bank error. He then told me that the money reappeared in his bank account the next day (Thursday). The exact same amount down to the cents were back in his account. He explained that they both were sure that the bank would just take it back out again as another bank error so they didn't contact the bank this time. Well fast forward to today (Monday) when he is telling me this at 6:00 pm. That is 2 full business days the bank had to correct their error and nothing, all the money is still in his account. He asked me what he should do with the money and the first thing I said was f#@! it go treat your family to the best Christmas ever and have fun with it. I know I only said that because its not happening to me, but what the hell right! In all seriousness I told him to just hold on to it and do nothing with it and if it was still in his account in a week that he should probably seek some sort of attorney for the advice. Some people were telling him to withdraw all the money and close the account and others said that if he did, it could backfire on him and get in major financial trouble if they tried to take it back and nothing be in his account.


So here is the big question,

What would you do? and What is the legal thing to do?

The actual amount of money deposited was $15,985.55 allot of money to just appear in your bank account.


ethically he needs to inform the bank of their error and let them decide what to do....... Realisticallly he needs to go to the bank nad talk to the president to figure out whats going on...sounds shady to me.

Posted (edited)
What Would You Do,

with 16,000 dollars

:jester: Buy one of the remaining Chrysler dealerships.


Seriously, take it from an I/T guy: the movement of EVERY penny of every transaction is logged, even if it got moved errantly they can pull the logs and retrace every step of every transaction, it's tedious as hell but all the info is there. No bank will tolerate ANY missing money, and I mean if even a single cent is missing the programmer that was contracted to write that code will be hauled-in and to save his ass from being fired or sued for the loss or both he himself will help the auditors read the logs and find where that money came/went and they'll send the authorities after you plus the IRS for not claiming it on your tax return. Just know you're being watched. And most drug dealers are busted moving sums of money between $5000 and $8000, the FBI and homeland security have watchdogs in place to catch this kind of activity as it looks like money laundering.


What I would do is close the account immediately; there is obviously an automated process run amok. After that I don't know what the best course of action is - probably to report it to the police department just to CYA; the question would be one thing if you just found cash in a bag somewhere, but in this case you know exactly where it came from (the bank).


Mr. P. :)

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)

Ok well if the bank is legitimate it is going to show up on their balance sheet. The bank is going to account for every penny of assets and liab's. So tell your friend to contact the bank and see what the heck is going on.

I would contact the branch manager first. If he still doesnt like the results contact the VP and get this straightned out.


Ive seen/heard of stuff like this before. Dont touch any amount that isnt yours. Contact them and let them know it happened again. Someone over there is obviously making an error.


I would leave it there and point it out to someone else. It sounds to me like a bank employee is trying to hide some money. If you were being arrested tomorrow and someone is going to be checking your account for money to confiscate, you'd want someone to move your money to another account and when the coast is clear make another account. I'll just say that I've heard of this being done before...


Yea I agree with what you all are saying. He told me today that if it was still in his account at the end of the day he would contact the bank again, and when I left today he said it was all still in there. Its just weird that they withdrew it and put it right back in. I'll let him know about the transaction logs and advise him on speaking with the bank manager tomorrow when I see him. Thanks guys on all the info


They'll find it, and correct it. Just forget about it.


One time, I had my paycheck deposited into my account three times one morning... though, I also noticed it was automatically withdrawn twice a couple of a hours later.


I was on the other end of this problem a few years ago. One day a thousand bucks was withdrawled from my checking account account and the bank found it and put things back and said it would never happen again. Well a week or two later 3 or 4 grand was now missing from my account and then another few hundred bucks. The first couple times I just kept calling to get things fixed and the last time it happened I went to the main branch office and sat down with someone. The guy looked and informed me that there was a glitch in the system and someone else had the same account number as me except one number. So he closed my account and reopened a new one and transferred all my funds to the new one.


Oh, and let me tell you that logs never lie, so EVERYTHING and ANYTHING can be found. I spend many hours a week going through logs and they are always telling the truth. :)


I would def call the bank...anytime 10K or more is withdrawn or deposited a record gets sent to the IRS...This may send up some red flags and the IRS may wonder why this money is going in and out of the account.

Posted (edited)

I agree with the consensus here. Contact the bank again. Go as high up the chain as you can, and document as much as he can. If something shady is going on this should cover his ass. I would not touch a penny of it.




Otoh, finders keepers loosers weepers. :jester:

Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)

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