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New Home For Christmas!


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Thank's for the comments guy's!! I hope your holiday was as good as mine!!



Congrats. Looks like you have a nice safe place to keep the vehicles!


You know it!! We've been checkin the pounds lately looking for a k9 addition to the family to complete the pad!



Nice Digs, Congrats!!! :) Now that's my kind of Christmas gift.


I like the gated driveway, allows you to look up the toys at night.


Can't beat it!



BEER FRIDGE in the Garage ... :thumbs:


Congrats on the new pad!!!!!!


Beer and Meat my friend, Beer and Meat!!!


Contrats on your new first home....the beginning of many happy memories!


Thanks Ray. This Christmas is memory number 1!!



Congrads on the new home! Why isn't that V-Max in the garage? :huh:


She's my baby for sure but a little Cali rain isn't gonna hurt!!



sweeeeet!!!!! congrats on the new pad Josh super happr for u bro. great looking house and good size yard. i'm eyeing a couple houses rioght now myself so hopefully i'v be in the same boat soon.


waiting for the BBQ invite!!! :D




It's in the work's Rob Im thinking a meet and a BBQ!! MMMmmm......maybe La Venadita!!!!

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Congrats man - you're not the only one, I'm moving this weekend too.


Mr. P. :)


Ohh man!! I feel for you brotha.....This was a tough move for us. It was pretty much the misses and me for the whole move. I had a friend and my brother for one day only. The main factor was the weather . It's been cold and raining off and on since we moved last week. I could only imagine what the weather is like for you....Good luck P!!



Congrats Josh! Who said the economy was bad.


Where exactly is this located. Maybe you don't know, but I live in Carson as well.


Economy!! Knock on wood!!! What you doin up so late?? Were you on the rails? Tell me you took christmas off brotha....I thought you were in Pedro Alex!!

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Ohh man!! I feel for you brotha.....This was a tough move for us. It was pretty much the misses and me for the whole move. ...

Yup looking like it will be me, myself, and I this weekend; I'll post-up the before and after pics, it'll be good for a laugh.


Mr. P. :)

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Thank's for the Best Wishes and Congrats people!!! Happy Holiday's again!!



Naw, no work for me! That's what the hoot does to you, KEEP YOU UP!


Fantastics??? You mean the one on Main by Anchor Liquor. Your across the street in those tracks?

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My partner is currently waiting on a home in there. I think they accepted his offer, but now all the other bull*hit starts.


We looked at a couple close to here. Particularly one with a pool on 231st or 230th. I cant recall.

I got lucky on this property. It was paid off and trusted to the kids. My parent's called me when they seen some people painting in the pad. Sure enough I hit them up, they gave me there bosses number. Which turned out to be the real estate agent. He said it was for sale but not on the market yet. I asked him to give me a price and the first day I talked to him I put in an offer. Had this house went on the market it would have been a bidding war. We were really lucky. Your partner is making a good move buying right now...I wish him luck! This track has some really good lots.

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