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New Years Resolutions

Wody ™

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Well Mel and I have been tossing around the idea for awhile now. With the current state of the Economy and Penske idiots driving me nuts, it is time for some change. As much as I love the SS, I believe it has run its course and we need something a little more practical. So my/our New Years resolution is to sew close the money pit and and sell the SS. :cry:


We are currently looking at




I wish I could swing something like this ... it was money at SEMA this year ... the mod potential is off the chain




As for the other resolutions, of course my big ass is going to the gym, hopefully I can lost that extra 35lbs I've been trying for. Well I hope 2009 treats everyone well and a few money trees start sprouting in your yards. :cheers: to a new year and we are off to finish our FireFly Vodka.

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Holy shit man :crazy: I remember the first time I saw your truck, I can't believe you are selling too. I guess it is a sign on the times, damn.


Well good luck with the sale, hopefully you get some good chedda for it! Let me know if there is anything you need.

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none for me. I'm thin enough(thanks divorce) and in shape enough. I'd like to hit the weights again but I've got a shoulder problem I need to take care of :banghead: Maybe my new years resolution will be to start putting more time/effort into my business and make some damn mod money. :jester:

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why does it say your a newbie next to your name :confused: and its your first post :confused:



that's very weird wtf??



As much as i hate to see Alan's truck go you have to go what you have to do. My resolution is to open a savings account and save money. With my car being paid off this month i can now take that money and put it away. Money burns a hole in my pocket so it is gonna be tough for me but i have put my mind to it and I hope to have a nice security blanket by the end of the year

Edited by WODY'S GIRL (see edit history)
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thats an awful idea lol but i guess you gotta do what you gotta do... as far as 35 lbs. i did it last year in 3 months, all you have to do is gym 3 nights a week (just an hour no big deal) and start axing any crappy eating habbits (my first thing was not drinking soda!) youll reach your goal no prob good luck

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Completed my resolution from last year = Graduate from college - check.


This year...


1. Marry my beautiful fiance in October

2. Get accepted into a military or law enforcement position - Navy OCS, Border Patrol, or other area (looking at Denver, CO PD also) Very close to the Navy or Border Patrol. Process takes so long for any of them...months.

3. Lose the last 30lbs, already lost 30lbs this past year. And Im doing without much diet modification, just exercising. Mountain biking, running, skiing, gym 3times per week.


On a side note, these trucks are a money pit. I felt the same way when I had to put a trans, transfer case, front diff, tires, and brakes this summer...all while unemployed! That drained the savings fast. There are more important things in life that material possesions. Happy to have health, family, beautiful girlfriend, a job...lol.

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