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I never go the speed limit, in town, or highway, however I have 1. A radar detector 2. Knowledge of where any cop sits on the highway in a 200 mile radius from where I live. Usually I'm slowed down before my radar detector even goes off that I barely use it now. Never got a ticket. However, if I ever got caught going 90 in a 65, I would not do that again. Seeing how thats basically a felony... not sure how you havent been in jail for more then a weekend yet.

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here in CA with your driving record, 90 in a 65 your off to jail... your licence is pulled and given a temp. id paper, truck impounded for up to 30 days, tow fees $225.00 per hr. min 1 hr. storage $45.00 per day for 30 days. and after 30 days if you do not have a valid licence your vehicle can not be driven by you out of impound. ALSO after 10 days, per CA law lien sale proceedings start and if you have a title holder (GMAC) they can pick it up after the 30 days, because THEY own it NOT you.

you are the registered owner, not the legal owner...


get professional help on this and good luck



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