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Vmax From Youtube Is Back!


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he's making us VHO guys look baad..he really shouldn't have posted that vid...but people need to be grownups and let him be..don't provoke him to make more vids and talk more shit..cuzz realistically who on this site is actually gonna drive out to west texas to race him?

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he's making us VHO guys look baad..he really shouldn't have posted that vid...but people need to be grownups and let him be..don't provoke him to make more vids and talk more shit..cuzz realistically who on this site is actually gonna drive out to west texas to race him?



tried to get him to come to SAR for ls1truck day but he didnt even know what that ment.. i have nothing against vhos just ppl that post bs about it. i like provoking him cause he wont man up and show up to a track to be proved wrong.

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thanks for the comment on his page lol. blinnboyz is my tag on youtube. ill race him anyday but im not wasting gas to go to him plus im turbocharged so it wouldnt even be close. my buddy has an ss back hom completely stock that would rape that truck..... wish he would show up to sar but hes a puss

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