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Vmax From Youtube Is Back!


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lets just all mob down and find this queer and beat some since into him. lets all line up and just let him hot lap the shit out of his truck. i really hate this dood

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i hate to join this post but have you guys thought that the vho just might beat the ss stock to stock. It weighs less, has the same hp and if it gets traction then its going to win. I think it has the 4.10's but if not that is the only down side to it. I love the ss to but face it there are trucks out there that are faster. And compare stock to stock....i can beat the guy to but what would that prove...that i need to cheat to beat him? I'm sure i'll get flamed for this but come on guys, leave him alone and deal with the fact that just maybe he did beat an SS, and beating him with a modded truck just proves that you put more money into your truck then he did. And yes i know he is talking down about our trucks but look at it from his point of view, he posted a video he was proud of(i'd be proud if i beat a VHO) and some one started to give him crap about it so now he is defending his truck(the vho line) the same way you guys are defending the SS line. We're all the same, some of us just keep our mouths shut.



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i hate to join this post but have you guys thought that the vho just might beat the ss stock to stock. It weighs less, has the same hp and if it gets traction then its going to win. I think it has the 4.10's but if not that is the only down side to it. I love the ss to but face it there are trucks out there that are faster. And compare stock to stock....i can beat the guy to but what would that prove...that i need to cheat to beat him? I'm sure i'll get flamed for this but come on guys, leave him alone and deal with the fact that just maybe he did beat an SS, and beating him with a modded truck just proves that you put more money into your truck then he did. And yes i know he is talking down about our trucks but look at it from his point of view, he posted a video he was proud of(i'd be proud if i beat a VHO) and some one started to give him crap about it so now he is defending his truck(the vho line) the same way you guys are defending the SS line. We're all the same, some of us just keep our mouths shut.




well the vhos had 3.73's i think and thats what the kid said he had. plus in a quarter mile i think the sss would win cause of awd but it might be close. the race that he showed was NOT a race or even a close attempt of one. no F***ING way could a vho pull on an ss by 10 car lengths. just fyi. anyways he does need to be put in his place with a stock ss with the same mods as him to show which one is faster

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Its ok guys...


He dumped his meaty girlfriend...video to prove it...






If this wasnt him, maybe the two tools are related...


did you see the vid of what this girl looked like after.WOW.


He added silverado tail lites to make it go smoother down the rode. thats is thats how he is going faster i new it!!!!


On a side note he is just doing this to get a rise out of the SSSer's a tool like this doesn't deserve a response. However it would be freaking funny to see a line of SSS trucks shut him right the hell up ... :driving: :driving: :driving: :driving: :driving:

Edited by Sick03ss (see edit history)
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agreed. so many ppl have tried to get him to come out to sar this weekend and he wont go. if he thinks hes such an ls fan and fanatic but he wont make it out cause hes acared to get showed up. i stopped replying cause its pointless cause hes a fagggggg. oh welll. still like seeing other ppl looking at it. :D

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i hate to join this post but have you guys thought that the vho just might beat the ss stock to stock. It weighs less, has the same hp and if it gets traction then its going to win. I think it has the 4.10's but if not that is the only down side to it. I love the ss to but face it there are trucks out there that are faster. And compare stock to stock....i can beat the guy to but what would that prove...that i need to cheat to beat him? I'm sure i'll get flamed for this but come on guys, leave him alone and deal with the fact that just maybe he did beat an SS, and beating him with a modded truck just proves that you put more money into your truck then he did. And yes i know he is talking down about our trucks but look at it from his point of view, he posted a video he was proud of(i'd be proud if i beat a VHO) and some one started to give him crap about it so now he is defending his truck(the vho line) the same way you guys are defending the SS line. We're all the same, some of us just keep our mouths shut.




I dont doubt he beat an SS..Like Bob said the vids he is showing has him bragging about beating SS's by 10 car lengths stock for stock..Thats what everyone is calling BS on.

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he's making us VHO guys look baad..he really shouldn't have posted that vid...but people need to be grownups and let him be..don't provoke him to make more vids and talk more shit..cuzz realistically who on this site is actually gonna drive out to west texas to race him?



ill gladly race him, im a bit far away but still in texas and the only thing ive got done to my SSS is a K&N panel filter and dual flowmaster 10 series mufflers.

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I felt the need to post again..




I'll throw down $25 in fuel, Via paypal for someone. I think others will be willing to pitch in aswell.



im ready to take on that vho any day of the week and smoke him. maybe he could win if he'd learn to keep a truck like that clean and MUD FREE

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that dude is a f*ing tool and needs to pop his moms titty out of his mouth when he talks. he sounds like a GD **** i'm tired of his $hit talking and am gonna ask if he will meet me half way i live in houston so it should be about 2 hours. i'm gonna walk up and down that crappy truck of his and shut his fag mouth up if he'll meet me....stupid a$ *itch

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