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OH! Now I understand!!!

You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this:

Boy, was I confused. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. I now find that to be is not the only drain on our economy. HOW ABOUT THE FOLLOWING?




I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts.




1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.


Verify at: http://tinyurl.com/zob77




2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.


Verify at: http://www.cis...org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html




3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.


Verify at: http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html




4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!


Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.html


5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.


Verify at http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html




6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.


Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html




7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.


Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html




8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.


Verify at: http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.html




9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.


Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html




10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .


Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html




11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U.S. from the Southern border.


Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht




12. The National policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41and $46 billion annually over a five year period.'


Verify at: http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf




13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.


Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm




14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.'


Verify at: http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml


The total cost is a whopping $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.




Are we THAT stupid?

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13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.


Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm


Are we THAT stupid?


I have an idea on this one...

When they get homesick or just need a ride back home and voluntary get busted.


Ship them to IRAQ.. I'm sure there is a small percentage that might be from IRAQ. But just send them all there.


Or better yet. Let's just toss them in acid.. The Mex Cartel do it all the time. (I read that here on the forum)..


I'm just ranting. I'm a native I suppose (born and raised in the U.S.A.) but my parents were LEGAL ALIENS who came to the good o'l U.S.A in 1950.. Got jobs. (Meaning more then one). Learned the language the best they could and loved every day of their freedom, even became US Citizens while in their 70's



On another note.....

*Rant* How much is spent on single moms with kids that get back $5,000 in taxes that only contribute $500 in taxes? WTF is up with that chit..*End Of Rant*


*Shuts Up Now*

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i didnt mean to be discriminatory. i just found it interesting. illegal immigrants are far from our only problem here. please dont make this a hate thread. there are plenty of things in this country that are backwards but the total abundance ill say of this email just took me back. thought i would share it. just take it for what its worth, just some fyi. we all know there are alot of other things wrong with this country right now. lets just try and keep this clean please. :cheers:

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its amazing..i agree the system of handouts to people need to stop!! and the entire medicare system needs to be re-worked...i see it everyday, that nursing facilities take full advantage of the gov't money (medicare)...it's just sad and unethical

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