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Having A Bad Day?


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It was summer,1983?,i was a 22 years old with a sweet 75 Corvette Ragtop,1 of 4629 made. The heater core was leaking into the pass. floor pan,so i decided to bypass the heater,i let the car sit for 2 hours to 'cool down'. Well i went to pull the heater hose from the water pump without realising the pressure and got hit with a high pressure stream of HOT water and antifreeze! It hit my right chest and arm and drew a BIG blister before i could get my shirt off! I went into shock while my folks took me to the Urgent care! Had to go back everyday to remove dead skin and have new dressing applied.I will never forget the taste of hot antifreeze as some hit my chin and went in my mouth!!


Couldn't wear a shirt for a week!!

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17 years old bought a car with a chevy 350 and insted of driving it i decided to tear it apart to change the cam, started the job in the morning and was finished by sundown (th only knowledge i had about morors was from a dvd i bought) the next morning i was shaking in anticipation i cranked the key, it turned and i had nothing... after a week of trouble shooting and blowing fireballs through the carb i found out my distributer was 180* off

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i was welding a few years ago under a semi trailer and some slag dripped off in to my crotch talk about burning omg i came out from under there and out my pants quick lol

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i was welding a few years ago under a semi trailer and some slag dripped off in to my crotch talk about burning omg i came out from under there and out my pants quick lol



Also...NEVER WELD BAREFOOTED......nuff said.........

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i was welding a few years ago under a semi trailer and some slag dripped off in to my crotch talk about burning omg i came out from under there and out my pants quick lol


story 1. My dad was teaching me to weld a couple years back, and slag dripped into the top of my running shoes. I had a nice burn on my foot for a few days from the melted nylon, but no metal actually touched skin.


story 2. In my first car, the oil light came on when I was driving to school. I knew to shut it down and was right beside a gas station. I checked the "oil" and it was fine. I finished driving to school, and drove home with the light still on. As soon as my dad got home, I told him the problem, and that I thought it was probably a bad sensor. Dad promptly pulls the "other" dipstick and said I was out of oil. Turns out I had checked the trans fluid... :banghead: I thought I had a little car knowledge, but I now know that I'll never know everything.


story 3. My buddy and I were working on his boss' truck, dropping a tranny and we decided to benchpress it out of the truck. I grabbed the bellhousing, he grabbed the tailshaft housing, and we lifted. The sight of my buddy straining on the tranny made me start laughing, and vice versa. luckily, there was nothing (i.e. our body parts) under the tranny, so we decided to use a jack to put it back in.

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Yeah that was a great thread; I can add another I don't think I've shared here before -


Apologies up-front, I had no idea this would get so long, but it's a good read and a major event in my life in just about every way...


When I was 18, I had a hand-me-down '77 GMC C10 truck. The brakes were in poor repair, like an honest quarter-million miles without service. So one Friday in late June in Modesto CA I am at my girlfriend's house with my high-school friend, and we are ready to split and spend the weekend at the local resevoir. Going to the resevoir had become a weekly outing for us, we were at the resevoir every weekend so far that summer like 8-weeks straight LOL, I had just graduated and each weekend was a non-stop LARGE time, lots of friends together, 72 straight hours of getting laid, fishing/swimming from the shore, triple-digit speeding on the CA backroads, cooking out, all night fires (before they were outlawed in CA!), playing cards, listening to Def Leppard on the jambox lol, pretty much any other kind of stupid fun we could think of, just a f'n blast :D Anyways before going I (we?) decide that we had better bleed the front brakes because they're feeling iffy... BUT we're in a hurry, after all the lake is calling and we cannot keep it waiting... :mellow:


SO - we're bleeding brakes, my friend is pumping the pedal and I'm working the bleed screw, but no fluid is coming out :confused: He's resorted to using BOTH feet to pump the pedal and no matter how hard he's pressing there is still no fluid is coming out! WTF? The truck had very short tires on it, like probably 26" tall and there was (no lie) about 8" of room between the top of the tire and the fenderwell. So I stuck my head over the tire as to be able to see what the problem with the bleed screw was, screw removing the tire I thought, we would be loosing too much time. I had my entire head BEHIND the tire, my chest was literally on top of the tread, and I was looking straight down at the suspension and brake caliper - sure enough I saw the bleed screw was totally rusted over, coated in mud and grime, and even though the bleed screw was wrenched open there was no 'bleeding' going on. So figuring I was smarter than the average bleed screw, I found a piece of bailing wire on the ground and crawled my way over the tire into the fenderwell over the tire, and began digging the rusted crap out of the bleeder screw bleed hole; after I picked a ton of rust out, I instructed my friend to pump the pedal...


My right eyeball was directly OVER the bleed screw, I was staring straight down at it and I got excited seeing the top of the screw get wet, I was proud that my digging had broken the rust loose - then before I could even think there was a sudden brake fluid explosion/eruption in my face, the stream of brake fluid hitting me directly in the open eyeball. Trapped in the fenderwell atop the tire I instinctively jumped and bashed my skull into the inner fenderwell; I took the entire blast of escaping brake fluid right in the eyeball; I swear to all of you I WAS SURE I had lost my eye, it felt like the jet of brake fluid had litterally blasted INTO and THROUGH my eye and exploded it clean from the socket (like a waterjet). The brake fluid over-splash also blinded my left eye, my face was completely bathed in brake fluid and I was completely blind and in unimagineable pain.


After removing myself from the fenderwell in a panic I had both hands clasped tightly over my right eye and just aimlessly wandered around; my friend had to pull with all his might for a couple minutes to pry my hands from my face and see if I even had an eyeball left, when he told me the eye was still there I was relieved but in shock and pain, and I told him to lead me straight to the shower where I stood under the cold water for over 2-hours. All the water in the world didn't help, it still hurt just as bad, and I was totally blind.


Making matters worse, this happened at my girl-friend's house, and I did not move from her couch for 3-days. My left eye regained light/dark sensitivity on the 2nd day, I could see out of it (fuzzy) on the 3rd day, and it began to function on the 4th day enough where I could drive back home to my father's house. For a couple days I had given up on my right eye, thinking it was permanently damaged; but it did recover over a week later. As a result of the trauma, I have always had 1/2-closed (droopy) eyelids, people have accused me of being sleepy or stoned and this is because of the injury to my eyes that day, they were very light sensitive for almost a year and they droopy eyelids I guess became habit.


A year later I finally went to see an eye doctor (literally, 12-months) and he told me that there is a divit and scar in my right eye, fortunately outside of my field of vision.


And let me tell you my father was PISSED because he had not heard from me until I drove home 4 days later. He was even MORE pissed when he deduced from this incident that I had a girlfriend stashed away! And he was floored speechless when he put 2 and 2 together and figured out my girlfriend was 19-years older than me :devil::lol: I moved out of my father's place that very next day; my older woman and I remained together the next nine years.


Wow I have not told that story in a long time...


Mr. P. :)

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story 1. My dad was teaching me to weld a couple years back, and slag dripped into the top of my running shoes. I had a nice burn on my foot for a few days from the melted nylon, but no metal actually touched skin...

I feel for you - I saw this first-hand in high school AG shop, one of the guys (total prick) would have great fun sneaking soda cans into the shop and turning the Lincoln buzzbox up to KILL 225-amps and when he touched that soda can the aluminum would just explode in a shower of slag, until ONE DAY he did this and the whole can instantly melted and it all wound up in his tennis shoes, the toes had nylon webbing and the molten aluminum encased his middle three toes, burning them to the bone. I can tell you the next day and every moment thereafter he was not near the prick he used to be, they had to CUT the aluminum from the flesh of his foot/toes. :eek:


Mr. P.

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As a result of the trauma, I have always had 1/2-closed (droopy) eyelids, people have accused me of being sleepy or stoned and this is because of the injury to my eyes that day, they were very light sensitive for almost a year and they droopy eyelids I guess became habit.


Mr. P. :)


obscure reference


goto 1:25


YouTube - Old School-The art of the Bj

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This is a great thread! here's my contribution:


I was 16 and was in the process of rebuilding my '76 Nova. I purchased a cheap set of American Racing wheels and and new lugs and decided I would bolt them on to see how they sit. I'm fairly mechanically inclined so this should be no problem. I remove the stockers put the new tires on with the new lugs. No problems, I decide to take it for a spin to the local cruise spot. My drive starts out great, no rubbing or vibration, smooth as silk. As I'm coming off the interstate slowing from 65mph in the middle of a half oakleaf ramp I see a tire wiz past my driver side door. I think "HOLY S!@T SOMEONE JUST LOST A WHEEL!" No sooner than this thought runs through my head "BAM...ccchhhhrrrkkkkk!" My driver side rear drum crashes to the ground and grinds me to a halt! I get out to find that the tire I saw...yea that was mine! After looking closer I find that 4 or the 5 studs are sheared off! I look at my other wheels to find that they are showing signs of stress too. Moral of the story....be sure you buy the right diameter lugs for your wheels!


Not my proudest moment but what can you do!

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