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Actually Found A Person That Tries


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so i just got off school :crazy: and desided i was gonna go to jack in the box to get some grub, when out of the corner of my eye i see this homeless person, i said to my self' aw here we go again, this lazy bastard gonna whant something :nono::fume: '.


know im a person with strong conservitave believes, i believe that if you got youre self in trouble or in too a stiuation where you had contro :nono: l, then its up too you to dig your self out of that hole.


know lets admit it, most, i mean most homeless only do one thimg, bother people for money, harras people if you dont give them something :fume: , and if yoiu do give them money all they do is spend it on beer and drugs :nonod: , and what pisses me off even more are the ones that claim to be veterans, please our troops :nonod::mad: , both past and present, are good descent people that have the streng too keep going and to be productive in society. :flag::thumbs:


anyways back to the topic, after he askd me for change i said ' why dont you go and be productive to society, what he said next SHOCKD ME, 'where, there arent any jobs'. :omg:


where!?, this guy actually dint trie too cuz me out or hurt any of my possecions [ my truck], this guy actually had the balls to ask me where he could get a job. :tear::happysad:


i got some tacos and i was tryng to find him so i could give him some, but he dissapered. :sigh:


the moral im trying to get across is that know a days everyone thinks they are entytled to everything, that goverment is here to bail them out, well ghees what, no, this country was founded by hard working people who had nothing and actually made it, trough the sweat of their b#lls, not trough lazyyness! :mad: , and thats what makes this country so great :smash: , along with other things


anyways thanks for takin the time to read my post, i know its long but i just wanted too exprees myself to the coolest truck club :chevy: , youre imput is greatly apreciated :thumbsup: . thanks

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I can see where you are coming from....I usually feel the same way but in this day and time I try not to judge because it could be me or you next time....But like you I also see the ones that do nothing but beg for money and in cities like NY I have seen, on news shows, where this can be very lucrative and people actually do that as a job.

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I see where your coming from guys.


On a side note, I still see ads almost everyday in our local paper for morning newspaper delivery routes. I know that isn't a FULL TIME job & it requires a vehicle in MOST cases, but at least it is some kind of basic income around here. Do the rest of you members on here have these same type of ads in your local papers?



Edited by Bad Bowtie (see edit history)
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hey coolblur thats a great plan (if everything was like last year) but even thise jobs arent available now even the fast food places are hurtin, i know this because ive been laid off for 2 months... you may be like "oh 2 months no biggie"


but when i went to file for UI there were 40 other electricians in there JUST THAT DAY and thats just from my area because the office 20 miles away was the same way...


lol so i did what any good young american would do and joined the millitary :D

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hey coolblur thats a great plan (if everything was like last year) but even thise jobs arent available now even the fast food places are hurtin, i know this because ive been laid off for 2 months... you may be like "oh 2 months no biggie"


but when i went to file for UI there were 40 other electricians in there JUST THAT DAY and thats just from my area because the office 20 miles away was the same way...


lol so i did what any good young american would do and joined the millitary :D

Good for you. Thanks for serving. :flag: My point being that so many people that get laid off complain that they can't find a job in their field. There just comes a point where you have to have an income, and if it means taking a job that you would consider beneath you then so be it.
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I can see where you are coming from....I usually feel the same way but in this day and time I try not to judge because it could be me or you next time....But like you I also see the ones that do nothing but beg for money and in cities like NY I have seen, on news shows, where this can be very lucrative and people actually do that as a job.



youre telling me, one time saw one with an I POD in her ear [ no it was not a hearing aid] and whats more stupid is that peolpe were handing here money, hey i ghees if you ever need new songs just go out and ask for theme, a dumnass or 2 will help you out lol

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Good for you. Thanks for serving. :flag: My point being that so many people that get laid off complain that they can't find a job in their field. There just comes a point where you have to have an income, and if it means taking a job that you would consider beneath you then so be it.



even tho it pains me, hes right, but serving isa great honor and we are all thankfull to people like him. :thumbs:

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Why does it pain you that I'm right? :crackup:



what i meant is that youre right regarding that people sometimes need to let go of there pride and do what ever job it takes to put food in the table, THATS WHAT I MEANT! :nono:

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