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An Odd Request

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Well, I usually don't tell people my business, but I need work very bad. Things are getting very tough for me and the Mrs. If any of you might know of someone or a construction company looking for a construction superintendent, commercial or home building, please let me know. If anyone does find anything out, give me a PM, and I can send you my resume. The economy has struck again!



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I wish I could Justin. I was suppost to come to Wash. and work for one of my buddies at Express construction for a couple of months, but I got a call for an interview here in Vegas the day before I was suppost to leave. I was all packed and ready to go. So I postponed the trip for a week. I went on the interveiw, but they found someone else for the position. Not only did I screw up the Wash. trip, but didn't get the job here. So now I'm back in the same boat again. The economy for construction here in Vegas really blows man. Nobody is building much here anymore. If I could find something else where, then I would move there to work. I'm getting real tired of Vegas anyway. The heat in the summers are just a killer, but the winters are great. In the summer, it can get up to 122*+ and gets worse ever year. That's why I asked here if anyone might know of a company looking for a super, because this nationwide. You just never know.


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my wifed dad and brother own a eletrical co. but it is in tn though. idk if they need any one but ill see whats going on fr ya

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Thanks guys. I have been looking all over the nation for a super position. There are some many on the net, and so many recruiters its nuts, but I think people don't want to pay travel expenses. That's the only thing I can think of. I've got 18 years as a super, and 22 years in construction, somebody out there needs me!

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