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Kansas City Gtg May 2, 2009

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Here are a few pics of the GTG. These pics are an example of what happens when you take the camera but leave the photographer at home. Some are pretty washed out, but i posted them anyway cuz the guys in them may want to see them. Took more but they were way to far gone. Sorry to all those that were there. Next time it's point and shoot....not this manual setting chit ' to get the proper lighting' as my wife likes to put it. BTW, what's up with that camera hog red SS ??? :D



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nice gtg :thumbs:



i cant deside on witch one is my favorite, there all sweet :chevy:


btw, what happened here



you guys trie to do some burnouts or something :devil::D


that truck couldnt burn out if he tried, its one of them black ones, they are SLOOOW! sorry Rich, had to say it.


Rich, SS POSSE, set this up with the local PD to have pics taken. it turned out fun as hell! (thanks Rich)

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Thanks for the pic's Mike. you did a great job man.

The show is bright but the ones on the Hwy came out pretty good.

It's a lot of work for sure. Then to upload them all..


Thanks for the share.


Can you email me them? So I can play around in PS with?

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Looks like you guys had a ball! Some great looking trucks for sure. I like the one on the highway of Chris's truck. The truck looks clear but the back ground is blurry, thats pretty cool. I am jealous there arent more people in my area with SS's.



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