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Found Out Some Bad News


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Sorry bout the news. Just do as pretty much everybody here has said and you

should be allright. Pray to God that he keeps you in the best of health.

Best of all you are still with us. We are all here for you man. GOD Bless.. :driving:

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Don't worry, be glad you caught it at a young age beofre the damages of not knowing catch up with you later. Working in Healthcare I see it daily, patients who have ignored symptoms and never been to a Dr. Control the HTN with meds. and low salt intake. Control the diabetes with meds. oral hopefully and watch your sugar intake and size of meals, eating breakfast will also help, less crashes and then once eat eat lunch suagr won't spike. 1st of all how were you diagnosed? Officially or did you go in for something and were nervous then they checked your BP, it's always higher in the Dr.'s office. Also, if you just ate your blood sugar is gonna be up and will gradually go down. everytime I go in Dr. says same b.s. my BP is 135/85 high sir, cuz I was irritated parking my SS cuz no parking lol. When I check it at work it's 115/70. You'll be fine! From reading your past posts I'm sure you have plenty of support from family to get you through this shocking time. Take care.... - Aaron
My Dr. calls it white coat syndrome. As soon as you see a white coat your BP goes up. :D Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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Having meet you on a couple of occasions, its easy to see that your a great guy. I won't say dont worry, but your a strong guy with a good head on your shoulders. It sounds like a cliche' but "it all happens for a reason"


When I was 25 I got diagnosed with Cancer. It broke me down, but now 10 years later it makes me appreciate all that I do have.


Hang in there.


BTW: maybe I shouldnt give you a ride in my truck, you might not be up for it... :jester:


Take it easy.

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Having meet you on a couple of occasions, its easy to see that your a great guy. I won't say dont worry, but your a strong guy with a good head on your shoulders. It sounds like a cliche' but "it all happens for a reason"


When I was 25 I got diagnosed with Cancer. It broke me down, but now 10 years later it makes me appreciate all that I do have.


Hang in there.


BTW: maybe I shouldnt give you a ride in my truck, you might not be up for it... :jester:


Take it easy.


lol im allways ready for a ride. i wanna hit up the 1/4 soon i need that let me know if you head out that way sir.

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2009 is starting out tough for you justin, keep your chin up, you have tons of support here and at home!


please take care of yourself. as you know, i almost lost my mom last august because she failed to do so.but when you're stronger than the disease, it doesn't stand a chance.

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Sorry to hear that Justin. My wife has high blood pressure, migraines and chronic daily headache. She actually just got out of the hospital after 7 days. It can be tough to get the dosage right at first but it is usually easy to control. Good luck with it. Will keep you in our prayers.

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