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Candy Purple Sample

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Here's the candy purple sample that I promised you guys. I know some of you wanted the candy purple on your engine covers. I'm painting two of them right now with this color. I added a touch of pearl to the silver, the pics don't really do it justice, until you see it in person. It looks kick a$$ over black. This has always been one of my favorite colors, and its what I use to paint ghost flames on cars and trucks with. It just shimmers in the sunlight.





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Yeah, to bad its on my wifes dust pan. She loves purple too, and wanted some flames on her dust pan. :D She's got me painting her little red grocery wagon now. She wants a skull with a red rose in it's mouth.



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Thanks. It's just a sample I threw together in a few min for you guys, nothing big really. I'm sure the guys will post up their stuff up when I'm done with them. I'm having fun painting them for all of you. Except being in the garage in 106* weather.

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Bring it over.



hmmm, very tempting.....


my truck looks terrible, needs body and paint desperately, it's a 10footer, looks good from over 10 feet away



when are we having another vegas meet? i missed the last one

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can you do anything like the giffens in my sig? that would be sweet on the back of my big tool box and something smaller on the back of the smaller tool box im planning on buying.

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Thanks guys. Wait until you see the ones that I'm doing now. :omg::drool: I'll let the guys post them up when I get them complete and send them off in a few days. I really like my new candy purple color, but the silver metallic sure is not for detailing.

Yeah, I could do that Al, but you might have to wait until I get my new detail airbrush. The one I have now is ok, but its not the one that I really want. Can you get me a larger pic than that?


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Thanks guys. Wait until you see the ones that I'm doing now. :omg::drool: I'll let the guys post them up when I get them complete and send them off in a few days. I really like my new candy purple color, but the silver metallic sure is not for detailing.

Yeah, I could do that Al, but you might have to wait until I get my new detail airbrush. The one I have now is ok, but its not the one that I really want. Can you get me a larger pic than that?



i could probably get you a bigger pic.

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