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Im Leaving For A While


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it pains me to say this


i have desided to leave for a while.


Reason:acted stupid and got caught and now shes in the pound.

why:plain stupid


i have desided to take a leave of abscence,for how long?, i dont know, im going to take a step back and evaluate my self, i need get my sh*t together.


i know some of you guys really hate me, because of my spelling, or the comments i have made witch where totally wrong, but i have to say that you guys are one of the best group of people i have ever had the pleasure of chating and meeting, you guys are awesome and really know youre stuff, honestly i dont care if you guys hate me, i think you guys are the best and i apologize if i have offended anyone :)


whats next for me?: im deffinetly going to get my head out of my ass and get my sh^t in order, im lucky im not in jail right now, most of you guys know that it is my dream to become a police officer, to keep law and order, but first i must evaluate my lifestyle, my character and friends among other things, and make the apropriate descion, because im still going to become a police officer, its my calling.


i will admit that im 20 and stupid, before tonight i thought i was invinsible, well im not,


im going to keep going to school and am going to get rid of all the things that hold me back (bad friends, bad music, bad decisions and so on)and am going to get my academics upgraded


i will check in once in a while but will not reply or post till i have learned to be respectfull and appreciative of everything that i have.


honestly you guys and gals are the best, i could have never done the things i have done to my baby if it where not for your advise, thank you


finally i leave you with these words


support our troops, uphold our values and traditions, love youre country and family, and value everithing you have..............



i will be back :happysad:



:flag::chevy::flag::chevy::flag::chevy::flag::chevy::flag::chevy::flag::chevy: wish me luck :thumbs:

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Vidal, what happened man? Impound? I'm speechless. Dude, you're a good person. We all make bad and stupid choices believe me I do daily. I respect your choice stop posting but read the things you wrote. You realize you made a mistake, you are taking action to change yourself and that shows maturity and character which you have! Dude I'm seriouly speechless, hope you're ok. Let us know..... :fingersx:

Edited by Bad aSS Silvy (see edit history)
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Vidal, what happened man? Impound? I'm speechless. Dude, you're a good person. We all make bad and stupid choices believe me I do daily. I respect your choice stop posting but read the things you wrote. You realize you made a mistake, you are taking action to change yourself and that shows maturity and character which you have! Dude I'm seriouly speechless, hope you're ok. Let us know..... :fingersx:
I agree with what he said. Sometimes we need to step back, and look at the direction in which we're heading. I don't think anyone hates you. You're young and full of life, as we all were at one point in our life. Believe me I've done stupid, as I'm sure we all have. I think it takes a big man to admit when the need to step back, and reevaluate their life. You seem to have a good core set of values, so I think you'll be fine. Best of luck. :cheers:
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I havent been on here enough lately to even know who you are...


but it sounds like you may have made a good decision before you got into too much trouble (whatever it may be), hopefully you get everything dialed in soon. Good luck man! :)

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I wish you luck for sure...in the short time i knew you on here i could tell you were always in the middle of something by your threads that involved police....Your doing a good thing by stepping back..If being a Cop is truly your calling you need to step back, like your doing, and get your shit together...Hopefully you have not made too many mistakes already that will keep you from being a cop.


Good Luck Man.

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i dont know your whole story (i dont follow the drama) but being 20 myself i know this is still the learning phase of life, sounds like you are learning things and someones giving you $hit? just remember the next person to criticize because your young and learning or whatever chances are if you stick around that a$$hole will probably die first!!


best of luck in achieving your goals

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I agree with what he said. Sometimes we need to step back, and look at the direction in which we're heading. I don't think anyone hates you. You're young and full of life, as we all were at one point in our life. Believe me I've done stupid, as I'm sure we all have. I think it takes a big man to admit when the need to step back, and reevaluate their life. You seem to have a good core set of values, so I think you'll be fine. Best of luck. :cheers:


Agreed...not everyone can admit their mistakes so props to you on that...stay positive man and you'll be fine :chevy:

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well good luck bro. we are gonna miss ya around here. i understand where you are coming from on this. i wish you the best and if you need anything i am here for ya. dont hesitate to drop me a line. let me or us know you are ok " THATS A ORDER YOU" lol jk.


well i just want you to know that you havent offened me in any way at all. again good luck with everything and God speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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I have to commend you, many people would just hide the fact that there is a problem and do nothing about it, then admit it and take action. It takes a true gentleman to do what you just did. :thumbs: Best of luck to you, you came to the right place for advice and moral support! :cheers:

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