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Wage Determination V.s Collective Bargaining Agreement...help


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well il try to keep this as short as possible. Im just extreamly frusterated and need to rant and maybe some one will have an idea....so heres alil background, my family owns a mid sized trucking company that hauls mail for the government that my grandfather started in 1966. we've always tried to say mid sized so we would be more stable then the lil guys.. but under the radar from the huge guys. and we run it like a mom an pop store..( which is good and bad)

well anyways now the postoffice is getting it self in trouble and starting to hurt ( i could go on for hours how messed up they are) anyways there makin cuts and more cuts.. and more cuts to the point there isnt much left.. and for what ive heard from the contract renewals( which are every 4 years).. there just sayin take %10 off the bottle line ..we dont care how. lucky for us we dont have to renew till next year and the year after for most are bigger contracts.

so heres the problem. yesterday we open a letter for are new wage determination.. and its to the penny the same about as last year..there refusing to pay us the wage determination.. but telling us we Have to pay are employees the new higher wage determination.. HOW THE HELL CAN THEY DO THAT!! .. so we crunch some numbers and it ends up being about ....80k a year in wages..i dont know many business that can stay afloat when your loosing that much money ayear i know we CANT!! so were at a total lose on what to do. the wage determination has neverr been a problem before the gov sets a rate...the post offices pays us that rate.. we pay are employees that rate..its pretty cut and dry...if we didnt the department of labor would be all over are ass!!..not to worry were always very honest and pay..are employees are like family to us.. but sence the postoffice is also federal goverment.. the department of labor cant or wont do anything to them.. so we just have to eat it...THATS NOT RIGHT!! now i know some of the bigger guys out there have a collective bargaining agreement..but being were that midsized we've never done anything like that..so whats the down side of doin it? other then almost turing in to a union?... basicly all the big guys have one.. and the small guys folded in and just ate the are running ilegal/not payin the employee's, bills, or keeping there trucks safe. so were kinda a dieing breed and right in the middle which has always been a good thing untill now ... soo anyone have any ideas?? we could use them!!

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Sorry man, I read your dilemma and I really feel for you but I don't have a clue what to suggest. Keep looking, I gotta believe (being a huge government beaurocracy) there's gotta be some way around this.


Mr. P.

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I have ran into this... as a contractor getting government jobs isn't alway fun. I have taken a few jobs where the gov has asked me to pay prevailing waiges to all employees. At the end of the day, I am paying employees wages as if they themselves were contractors with licenses and certification... which I call B.S. there is no reason for me to have my contractors license if I am going to pay my employees the same as what I should be paid and I have gone trough all of the trouble of Licenses/fees and what-nots.

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Thats what happens when we let the government run things. Dont get me wrong, they should run certain things (military, courts, police, etc, etc) but leave the other stuff for free enterprise.


way too much government!! this country will implode on its self because of it. or a revolution will happen...

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Thats what happens when we let the government run things. Dont get me wrong, they should run certain things (military, courts, police, etc, etc) but leave the other stuff for free enterprise.


preach on brother!!!!!!!!

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I dont have any answers for you at this moment, however, I will be seeing my uncle this weekend who just happens to be the Northern Michigan ASCME (?)representative for the northern lower penn. I also know he will know of some inexpensive labor relations law firms that may at least be able to provide an initial free consultation. I cant promise anything for you until Monday, however, he negotiates multi-million dollar union contracts regularly for hospitals, city workers, etc. To be honest, I dont even know the full extent of his work.

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