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Question For I-pod Users W/ Double Din

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I am thinking about purchasing an I-Pod so I don't have to carry around all my CD's. The problem is, most of my CD's/songs are downloaded off the net with the formating name "untitled". I want all my songs and artist to be displayed on my double din. If I rename all of the songs with the proper artist and song title will they automatically be put in the proper folder under each artist? Please enligten me as I have never owned an I-Pod.


Does that make sense? haha..



Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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do u aready use i-Tunes??? i also have many cd's i'v downloaded using bit torrents but whe i lad tem into my i-Tunes the song name always show up, every once in a while i'll have to name them myself but for the most part once u'v transfered them into i-Tunes all thesong title should sho up. and yes if u rename all the song then once u put them into an i-pod they will all be serperated by artist, album, or name of song depending on how u want to see them...



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yes, in itunes you can just edit in bulk or individually. you can even download all the album art and it will display if your head unit supports. try downloading itunes and just putting a few songs on and playing around. its really easy to use and has no problem with mp3 music and non-purchased things. you can then search by artist, playlist, album, genere, song.... its very easy and organized. i dunno how id live without it in my car actually :lol:

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Thanks for the info guys!


I am going to pick up an I-Pod tonight. I swore I would never own one, but it has it's use in my truck, tucked in the glove compartment, that's where I ran the cord from my head-unit.


BTW, how is the sound quality? does it sound like a cd?

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i dont even carry cd's anymore, i traded a used kicker CVX 12'' sub for an ipod touch and love it. sound quality is great but for some reason recently ive been getting some backround buzz from the speakers. only reason i noticed it is the ipod stopped playing but my head unit was still set on USB...i have no idea whats causing it but other than that having the ipod is way better than dragging around all your cds

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not trying to jack the thread but anyone have an idea as to why im getting speaker buzz when my head unit is on the USB setting? i can kinda hear it in the backround when the music is playing but if i pause the song its definitely noticeable.

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Well, let's hear your opinion? besides he is smoking crack.


I actually didn't notice a huge difference, and I am picky about sound.



i cant even begin to answer this... i mean i can, but is it worth it? take cd that you have on both your ipod and on disc. play the ipod then switch sources to CD on the same song... if you cant tell a MAJOR difference... then i guess my ears are SHOT, and i have been judgin SQ at sound offs for over 9 years, including 2002 SQ world champion. :cheers:

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i cant even begin to answer this... i mean i can, but is it worth it? take cd that you have on both your ipod and on disc. play the ipod then switch sources to CD on the same song... if you cant tell a MAJOR difference... then i guess my ears are SHOT, and i have been judgin SQ at sound offs for over 9 years, including 2002 SQ world champion. :cheers:


are there many people who use I-Pods in competitions?

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  • 1 month later...

I can tell the difference, and my 48 year old ears are shot (tinnitus from all that loud music and power tools). The other problem with iPods is the way the EQ settings work. On a recording that is recorded at a high level, the iPod’s EQ settings (the settings that boost anything) appear to overload it’s pre-amp. Really annoying on music meant to be clear and undistorted. For some reason Enya’s recordings are particularly bad about this. One cure is to run the audio file through a program that reduces the level, so when the EQ boosting is added, it won’t overload the pre-amp.

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