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Did Youguys Here About This


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I thought this was beyond belief when I first saw it reported yesterday. In my own mind, I've been trying to figure out what would be just punishment if we had a less lenient penal system. Castration for the man, and let him bleed to death? How do you punish the wife who let it happen? Like I said, beyond belief... :nonod:

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I honestly dont think we can punish this guy enough, just let him be the jailyard/jailroom bit*# then he can understand what its like to be raped. He'll probably rope himself up within a few days after that.

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Now the scumbag is supposedley to have also killed prostitutes.

I bet they just stumbled onto another serious serial killer, lets just see how bad he is.

This reminds me of the movie "A Time to kill" except we need the vigilante justice part.

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I honestly dont think we can punish this guy enough, just let him be the jailyard/jailroom bit*# then he can understand what its like to be raped. He'll probably rope himself up within a few days after that.

amen to that. what a dirt bag

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This story disgusts me. They posted pics on aol.com today of the backyard where he kept here...i could not believe it..what i don't understand is how none of his neighbors never heard or suspected anything. I mean these people were living in the backyard how can u not ever hear anything?

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