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Ss Recovered


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Just got back from the impound lot, OMFG! That was hard to face, got many pics, gonna upload and start a new thread in the pic section....


Was found at S. Hoover St. and W. 56th St. in South L.A. 90037 1:22am PST

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That sucks man theives suck.. I had a 90 full size blazer that was mint that got stolen from me. They found it in the middle of the woods with my stereo system ripped out. They shot it with shotguns smashed every inch of the thing in they even shot a hole through the motor and burned my stuffed monkey..Bastards... I hope you get a new SS soon good luck

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crashed into a house? wow not only did they screw with your life but someone else to, damn what are ppl thinking..


damn bigblack they burned your stuffed monkey??? now thats some evil shit right there


Yeah thats what the officer said, it doesn't look like that happened to me, but definitely hit something on the left front. The pieces were all tied together and the radiator was bent forward, idk.....

Edited by Bad aSS Silvy (see edit history)
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well atleast your looking at this somewhat positive since you know your gettin a new one


Yeah bud this is my 2nd time losin the SS so I just come to be patient knowing it will come soon eventually....

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