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New Security System Installed


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After reading about the truck thefts on the site, I decided it was time to upgrade my security. Ziebart installed the Pursuit that's made by Audiovox. The key fob arms and starts the truck from a quarter mile away, and lets you know it's armed or started or if the alarm is going off. They did a detail on it also. So I pick up the truck and it still has white specks on the driver's window that's been there for two weeks and I thought they would clean it off. The white specks turned out to be gouges in the glass. So I thought back to when I first noticed them, which was two weeks ago. Rewind two weeks ago Friday, I pull up to my house in my Neon at 11:30 p.m. My truck is parked out front. On the other side of the street where no one ever parks is a grey Taho, engine off, lights off, and a guy sitting in it. Thinking it was weird, I held my lights on him for a couple of seconds to see who he was. Small neighborhood. Everybody knows everybody. One way in and out. Did I keep going and turn around to get a plate number? No, I didn't. Now I think he was waiting for his buddy who was probably beating on my window before I pulled up. I have to buy a window and tint. It would have been nice to think about getting a plate number. What if I would have found my family tied up with no one to take my anger out on. If something looks weird, check it out.

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