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Finally Have My Truck!

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So I finally found time to sneak off to Kentucky to pick up my SS (we're not allowed to go more than 250 miles from Fort Riley, Kansas after returning back from Iraq... Shhh...) and made the 12-hour drive back. I am absolutely in love. It's scary fast, and I think my heartbeat was near-lethal the entire ride back. I tried to be good at first, getting used to the soft gas pedal and the play in the steering wheel, but it wasn't long till I was blowing the doors off of anything unlucky enough to look my way. I passed a new Z06, a Porsche, a few GTs, a handful of Hemi's and other assorted sports cars, but was dismayed to find that only a Dodge 1500 with white neon under-body lights (puke) was feeling froggy. We dicked around for a little bit passing each other until I finally pulled up right next to him at about 90 mph and paced him until he tried to drive away. I left him at what had to be about 140 mph (I know the spedometer only goes to 120, but thanks to Justin @ Black Bear that is no longer an issue) after the Topeka toll booth. I'm now back in Manhattan. I apologize to the two other SS's here in town (one red and one blue) since we all know that black's the fastest :P . Sorry I haven't been online in awhile, but I've been catching up on my rest and trying to spend as much time with my fiance as possible after a year apart. I'm sure I'll be on soon with tons of questions for you all (Question #1 already: WTF is wrong with my steering wheel?) so I apologize in advance if i flood your inbox's with stupid Q's.

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Welcome, and ENJOY! My SS still puts a smile on my face every time I drive it, same smile as the one I had the day I drove it off the showroom floor back in 03.


As for: (Question #1 already: WTF is wrong with my steering wheel?) Is it not round? :jester: If you're referring to the "clunk" they have a new intermediate steering shaft out for them, part number 19153614, gmpartsdirect.com shows them for about $70 shipped.

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I love it. The gears are already spinning in my mind as to what to do next. And as far as the steering wheel is concerned, the play in fine but it creaks bad whenever you turn hard in any direction. No big deal, the previous owner said it's done that since the day he bought it and he's never had it checked out. I don't like it though.

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I love it. The gears are already spinning in my mind as to what to do next. And as far as the steering wheel is concerned, the play in fine but it creaks bad whenever you turn hard in any direction. No big deal, the previous owner said it's done that since the day he bought it and he's never had it checked out. I don't like it though.

lube the steering stops on the lower control arms

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Welcome back !! If you're up for it and you drink, i'll buy you a beer. You can stop by my place and see what happens when brake fluid burns in your engine bay. BTW, i have a pretty nice complete exhaust setup you might want to consider, as well as a supercharger, and a built tranny/engine, and brakes, and :idiot: . Sorry, went off a little there. Really, PM me a phone number and when you have free time. We'll try to get some of us local guys together. Again, welcome back.

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